When their eyes meet

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I walked towards the entrance. It was dark but there was a slight glimmer of light from a crack in the wood, as I walked into the room the door closed behind me and I was left with my thoughts.
How did I get here? What led up to this? You're probably asking yourself so I'll start from the beginning.
My name is Matt, I was born and raised in a small town that was known for its royalty. Everyone was working for their money, even children. Everyone was poor, some parents even had to go as far as to abandon their children because of the lack of money they got in their salaries. It was scary living there with nothing because people would do anything for money.
I was born the first child of the royal family. Yes, it seems like I was born privileged, but no. In our town the youngest child of the family would get the crown, meaning even though I was born a royal, I wasn't treated like one. Everywhere I looked people would always stare, judging me for being born a royal but I never felt like a royal, I was never accepted into the family. I never got an allowance and when I asked for money it would be denied. I had to make each meal because they didn't trust the maids with their food. I had to be the taste tester for all the food I cooked or anyone brought in. If I tried to poison them I would die first so it wouldn't be the best plan on my part.
One of the days I woke up to my sister barging into my room, yelling at me about some red dress with a matching red and silver mask she was gonna wear to the gala. She wanted me to go grab it from the shops. So obviously I got up because I didn't have much of a choice. I got dressed then I headed out to the store to buy the dress.
I walked down the street and I noticed lots of people staring, some confused as to why I'm not staying in the manor, others looking pissed off as to the fact I'm there. Usually, I hide away in the depths of our home until I get forced to leave so everyone being shocked or angry wasn't a surprise. I walk into a dress shop and I see a really cute guy with green eyes and the prettiest caramel-looking skin that shines in the sunlight. I ignored the fluttering feeling that was bubbling in my stomach and I walked over to the dress that my sister wanted. I heard a bit of shuffling noises behind me so I turned around to see what was happening.
When I turned around I saw the cute guy being held with a knife to his throat as he shoved money in a bag from the cash register. I sneak behind the man with the knife and I hit one of the many pressure points in his wrist. The man's wrist stops moving because of temporary paralysis of the hand making him drop the knife. I tackled the man and I made his hands go behind his back. I didn't want to hurt the man too much so I called some guards who had been patrolling the streets since lots of robberies happen in this area, and they came running over. I got off the man and I pushed him towards the guards. I picked the knife up and I handed it off to them. I feel the cute guy's arms wrap around my body in a tight hug as he thanks me profusely. We make eye contact for a few seconds as my eyes slightly shimmer in the light.

Y'all this is my first book so if it's terrible, I'm sorry.

636 words

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