Percy Jackson Has Arrived!!

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Hey guys! Welcome back to another story by me!

So, I just wanted to let you know that there will be a lot of copying from the actual Son of Neptune, with a few changes from my own imagination. Of course, you all know that I could never replace Rick Riordan's story, but I do want to show you all how I think SoN could have gone.

For the first few chapters, I'd be changing a few sections and adding a few paragraphs and features of my own. There will be SO MANY copyright warnings if I don't mention this, so please remember that, if you think the story is incredibly good, that's Rick Riordan's writing, NOT MINE!

The sections that I mainly want to change are later in the book, but I decided to go from the start, just so everything makes sense. I might change the POVs, or do multiple chapters in different POVs, because sometimes, I'd like to envision it a different way.

Absolutely all credit goes to Rick Riordan, who is, without a doubt, the best author in the world.

So, let's see how interesting my imagination can get! (Lord help us all (I'm serious. This is not a drill!))

Percy's POV:

The snake-haired ladies were really starting to annoy Percy.

They should have died three days ago when he dropped a crate of bowling balls on them at the Napa Bargain. They should have died two days ago when he ran over them with a police car in Martinez. They definitely should have died this morning when he cut off their heads in Tilden Park. Who can survive being headless?

No matter how many times Percy killed them and watched them crumble to powder, they just kept re-forming like large, evil, not-so-cute dust bunnies. He couldn't even seem to outrun them.

Percy reached the top of the hill and caught his breath. How long since he'd last killed them? Maybe two hours. They never seemed to stay dead longer than that.

The past few days, he'd hardly sept. He'd eaten whatever he could scrounge - vending machine gummi bears, a few stale bagels and even a Jack in the Crack burrito, which was a new personal low. His clothes were torn, burnt and splattered with monster slime and a weird brown substance.

He'd only survived this long because the two snake-haired ladies - gorgons, they called themselves - couldn't manage to kill him either. Their claws didn't cut his skin. Their teeth broke when they had tried to bite him. Even though he had escaped them many, many times, Percy knew he couldn't keep going for much longer. He'd soon collapse from exhaustion. Even though he was hard to kill, eventually he would pass out from exhaustion. And he was certain that the gorgons would find a way.

Where to run?

He scanned his surroundings, trying to look for a safe spot to hide. Under different circumstances, he might've enjoyed the view. To his left, golden hills rolled inland, dotted with crystal clear lakes, woods and a few herds of cows. To his right, the flatlands of Berkely and Oakley marched West - a vast array of houses and neighbourhoods with several million people who wouldn't appreciate getting their days interrupted by two monsters and a smelly demigod.

Further West, San Francisco Bay glittered under a grey haze, like Annabeth's eyes. Percy's head started to ache as another memory flash happened. A younger version of Annabeth played in Percy's mind, for just a second, before it vanished like it never happened.

Annoyed at another lost memory, Percy felt himself get frustrated yet again. For the past few days, a memory would quickly surface, then vanish before Percy could understand it. So many times, things in San Fransico reminded him of people and things in his old life.

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