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1 year later -

Nova's pov:

My dream has been fulfilled, my goals have been made. I am now a licensed cosmetologist , Alex and I have made a business out of what we do best at . We both work at her shop , well our shop. I have bought out the top floor of her shop and shes on the lower lever . The middle part of the shop is a nail salon which I manage as well. Every day our clientele grows bigger and bigger , and one day we are hoping to have more people work for and with us. Our relationship has been so good, we have learned to communicate better and talk about what's on our minds.

Right now im getting ready to go out and have dinner with a couple of friends I've made through school. I put on some light makeup , curled my hair and grabbed my purse.

I kissed Alex goodbye and we said I love you before leaving

I got into my car and started driving to the restaurant we was meeting at , it was about 30 mins out. I pulled up to the stop sign and stopped , looks both ways about 4 times and then I started to drive again.


"Ma'am , can you hear me. " a voice said

I couldn't see or move anything , I don't know what was going on . All I know is my body was in pain , everything went black .

Alex's pov:

Ring . Ring . ignored

Ring . Ring. ignored


"Hello." I said

"Mrs. Carter?" they said

"This is her." I said

"Hello , I was calling to inform you that your wife Mrs. Carter has been brought her due to an accident. Shes needing surgery and we are calling for consent and to let you know that her condition is very bad." the nurse said

"Do everything you can to save her please . I'll be there shortly." I said hanging up and throwing my phone , searching for clothes and my keys.

Ohh and im sure you're wondering what she meant but your wife.

Well we married , we decided to get married in a courthouse since we both didn't really have our families anymore , we have been married for about a month now.

I got into my car and hurried to the hospital , when I arrived I went straight to the desk

"Im here for Nova Carter." I said

"She is in surgery right now , the doctor will be out to tell you more information." she said

I went to take a seat in one of the chairs while I waited for the doctor .

5 mins

10 mins

20 mins

30 mins

I went back up the the desk and asked the nurse for an update , there wasn't any so I was told to just wait

40 mins

50 mins

60 mins

3 hours

6 hours has passed and I was getting nervous as I seen the doctor slowly walking up to me.

"How is she , is she okayy ? can I see her? "I asked

" surgery went well, there was a lot of bleeding. But we was able to save her and they baby." he said

" Wait , baby ?" I asked

"yes , she is pregnant . there was much damage to her stomach area it seemed that only her arms and legs were the most damaged. Shes asleep still and we won't know when she will wake up but you can sit and talk to her until then." he said

I walked into the room he showed me and sat in the chair beside her , I couldn't talk to her . All I did was cry and hold her hand

I waited and waited until she would wake up but it seemed like it wasn't any time soon.

1 hour

2 hours

3 hours

4 hours

5 hours

6 hours

There was no signs of her waking up and it was killing me , I am never letting her leave the house ever again. I will strap her to the bed if I have to.

I sat there wondering if she knew she was pregnant , or if she didn't know just like me .

I wasn't so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see her reaching out for me.

"OH my goodness , hey baby. can I get you anything? do you want me to call the doctor? " I asked

"Water please " she said

I ran to the sink , grabbed a cup and filled it up with water . I watched as she slowly drank the water

"What happened?" she asked looking up at me

"You were in a wreck baby." I said

"What how?" she said

"Drunk driver hit you but you're okay, they got to you in time to save you." I said

Before she could say anything else a doctor came in

"Hey how are you feeling ." she asked

"Sore but im good." Nova said

"The pain should ease up soon , we couldn't give you any strong meds due to your condition . but im glad you're awake . im just going to take look and make sure everything is okay with baby." she said and nov's eyes got big

" huh, what baby?" she asked

"hunny , your pregnant , they found out when you were in surgery." I said

"oh my god , is the baby okay . did I kill it. no please god." she cried

"Hey , hey . calm down they said the bay was fine . let her look to make sure love ." I said rubbing her hair

The doctor came over and applied gel to her stomach and started to look around for baby

"Oh wow , you are further along than you look . Shes a big one."

"Im sorry she? " I said

"oh sorry , you are 21 weeks pregnant , normally you would catch this sooner but looks like your body hasn't adjusted to the baby in your stomach so you don't look pregnant at all. once you hit 30 weeks im sure you will start seeing it more. But yes , the baby is a girl . her you can see these are her legs and if you look in between there is her parts." the doctor said

"Oh my gosh , Im going to be a mom ? I was told I would never be able to have kids." nova said

"Baby , this is excited . we are going to be parents." I said

The rest of the day we were in the room talking about names for the baby , talking bout how we should do the nursery. She was excited , we was excited . We never talked about getting this far or having kids just yet but I wouldn't want it any other way. She was the love of my life and whatever is to be thrown our way , we will happily take it.

About 2 weeks later she was able to come home , her car was totaled but I had already ordered her a new car to be delivered at the house.

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