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Nova's pov:

As I woke up I felt at peace, I felt safe and loved so much. A feeling I thought I would never allow myself to feel.

I turned over to face Alex , she looked so peaceful. Her mouth was slightly open , a few strand of curls falling in her face as light noises coming from her. She shifted in her sleep and her eyes slowly opened

"Morning my love." I said

"Staring is rude baby." she smirked

"Well im sorry I want to admire my girlfriend." I said

"Girlfriend.. I like the sound of that." she said giving me a kiss

"Eww brush your teeth first." I said laughing

She jumped up on top of me and starting showering me with kisses and tickling me

"BABE , STOPPP." I said laughing

"Not until you tell me my breathe smells amazing." she said

"So you rather me lie to you , then tell you the truth." I said

"YES!" se said

"Fine , your breathe is the most amazing smell I've ever smelt." I said laughing

"Thank you ." she said kissing me again

We both got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. I started cooking us breakfast as she went into the living room and started playing her game

I could get use to this , waking up next to her , cooking for her , being around her 24/7. But theres still a fear in the back of my head that this is all to goo to be true , that she would leave me or find someone better.

I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't realize I was burning the food

"Shit , shit , shit." I said as Alex came running in the kitchen

"Baby , what the hell." Alex said getting the fire alarm to stop

"Sorry , im so sorry I was lost in my thoughts." I said as I started to cry

"What was you thinking about." she asked

" I just - I don't wanna talk about it right now." I said running into the spare room she had made for me.

She gave me the space I wanted and needed which I was thankful for but at the same time I wanted to feel like se would fight for me. See what was bothering me .

I pulled the covers back from the bed and snugged wit the pillow beside me

I guess i ended up dozing off because when I finally opened my eyes it was dark outside and the house was quiet, I didn't hear the tv or Alex yelling at the game. I got up from the bed and made my way downstairs , up stairs , outside , checked the garage and everywhere else in the house only to find it completely emptied but me. Alex wasn't here , nor did she leave a note or a text message.

After an hour sitting and waiting for a call or text back I decided I was just going to cook dinner and call it a night . I went into the kitchen and grab all the things I needed to make chicken Alfredo , and went to turn on some music grabbing some wine. After about an hour I was finished cooking and was most definitely feeling the wine I drank.

I set the table for myself and grabbed food and made me a armetto sour to drink. I finished eating about 30 mins later and finished my 4th alcoholic drink. I grabbed all the dishes and put them into the dishwasher and put the left overs in tuber ware and into the fridge. I blasted the music louder and started swaying my hips to the song.

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