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Nova's Pov :

I breathe in the fresh air around me and closed my eyes . I'm finally living the life i've always wanted , i'm finally at the college of my dream.

"Hey, my name is Nova and i'm here to pick up my dorm keys." i said to the receptionist as i walked into the office

"Good morning Nova , here is your keys and welcome to Jersey State Beauty College . If you need anything to help you settle in please don't hesitate to ask ." she said smiling , handing me my keys

I walked the halls of the dorm until i reach the end of the hall that had one dorm that was farther from the rest of them . A69 was my dorm , i smiled as i unlocked the door to take in the amount of space this dorm had. It had 2 separate rooms far from each other , a big living room with a fireplace and large windows all around . There was one big bathroom with two sinks and a bathtub and shower , the kitchen was huge and so were the bedrooms. The bedrooms had king size beds , dresser , two night stands and mounted tv , with a mini fridge in the corner. I love it here , but of course i would cause i payed way to much to be at this wonderful college.

I picked the room farthest away from the front door cause i have a fear of being close to where i could get snatched up . As I finished unpacking my bags , i went onto my phone to instacart some groceries, about an hour and $500 later it was ordered and being shopped for . I sat on my bed with my MacBook on my lap and airpod's in listening to some rod wave .

The next thing i knew i was being woken up to my phone ringing . I grabbed my phone and it was instacart letting me know they were here . I got up and headed to the door when i realized there was suitcases and shoes by the other room . I paid no attention to it and went and put the groceries away when there were foot steps getting closer to me .

"hey ma , i'm alex. i guess im your roomie ." she said leaning on the counter .

I turned to look at her and got lost in her blue eyes . her hair was long and curly , skin clear asf and she dressed very nicely. she had chains around her neck and wearing glasses

Before she could see me checking her out i reached my hand out to shake hers.

"Nova . I went ahead and bought groceries, we should be fine for a while. I also bought a white board ima put right there and if there's certain things you want or need we can write them up there . Also we can make a schedule for laundry day so we don't mix clothes . I prefer to deep clean at least 2 days a week , and - " i began to say before rudely interrupted

" Ma , chill . i guess you like shit to be in order ." she said looking at me as i grew red in the face from her calling me ma

" The names nova , not ma ." i said sternly

"Right my bad." she said and turned towards her room and shutting the door .

She was fine asf not going to lie but i came here to be a cosmologist not no damn hoe. And my life is way too messy to be getting in a relationship. Never had one and don't plan on it , yes i'm still a virgin if that's what you're wondering you freaky mfs .

I spent the rest of day deep cleaning cause i didn't know who was here before or if they really cleaned this place. I put rod wave on the speaker and was jamming , Alex eventually came out her room to sit on the couch but we didn't say a word . She just watched me as i cleaned.. weird right ?

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