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Nova's Pov:

We stood there looking at each other and I watched as she checked me out and her member get slightly hard , I bit my lip as I looked back into her eyes

"Ready ." I said and grabbed her hands and pulled with me to go out side an in the room .

The water was really warm and the view was fucking crazy, it was kinda private where no one could see you of you was skinny dipping out here . But you could see the city lights and it was fucking pretty.

Alex and I swam around for about 30 mins before she broke the silence

"So , what are you really doing her nova?" she asked

"What you mean ? To bring back some of your stuff." I said studdering

"And that's all?" she asked swimming closer to me and all I did was nod cause she was making me nervous

"What's on your mind baby girl?" she said in my ear

"Mmh. I miss you. I miss being around you 24/7 , I miss waking up and you being right there . I miss making breakfast for you , or just on the couch watching tv . I just miss it man." I said quietly

Alex didn't say anything back all the did was take me by my neck and kiss me , it was so full of love , lust and I melted right into it

"I miss you too " she said after we pulled back

I wrapped my hands around her neck and wrapped my legs around her waist and went back to kissing her. She gently bit my bottle lip for me to allow access and I parted my lips slightly for her as her tongue with into my mouth causing me to moan .

I took her free free and and guided It to my bare thigh , she ended up getting the hint right away and made her way to my core. I took her fingers and slipped them right in which caused me to moan loudly.

"Fuck mamas I've missed your moans." she said putting her face in my neck

"I've missed you inside of me." I said in between moans

She started to suck on my neck as her fingers found my spot which caused me to be bold

I started taking off her clothes and threw off my shirt , we was both fully naked . I looked down at her dick and bit my lip , I grabbed it and slowly sat myself on her as she let out a small groan

"Mamas are you sure." she asked

"Alex , fuck me." I said

As I said that she grabbed me and picked me up and took me into her bedroom and threw me on the bed, she spread open my legs and gently put her dick back inside of me. She slowly started stroking me and I let out some moans.

"Faster baby." I said

"I don't wanna hurt you love." she said and I said something that I knew would make her

"Alex if you don't fuck me then ill find someone el-" was all I managed to get out before she hadn't her hands on my throat and she pushed her self inside of me causing me to scream in pleasure

She took index finger and middle finger and started to rub my clit as she was deep in side of me

"Fuck-you feel soooo good." I moaned as as she continued stroking me

I flipped us over and I was on top of her and I started to grind myself on her which caused her to throw her head back and grown

"FUCK -" she moaned

We both was on cloud 9 , we both haven't had any action in months. We both needed this and I knew I wanted my first to be with her and if I had to wait I would have .

"Alex- im fina cum." I said riding her fasted as she started to pant

"Mamas , I don't have condom. I need to pull out." she groaned

"I'm on birth control, I wanna feel you in side of me." I said and I swear those words made her cum fast asf

I rode her while she finished and feeling her cum inside of me made me have the best orgasm ever. As I was coming down from my high Alex slowed her pace and held me tight .

I was finally done and I looked up at Alex and she was looking up at the ceiling

"What does this mean for us?" I asked

"I don't ever wanna let you go , I really missed you and being apart from you makes me feel like a piece of my heart is missing." Alex said wit glossy eyes

"I know love , Im so lost without you. I mea like im mad at you cause you got me feeling this way but now I miss the feeling when im not with you. I want you and only you , I want you to be my first everything." I said looking down at my hands

"I love you." was Alex said looking at me and I looked back at her with wide eyes and got up

"You don't have to say it back , I just wanted you to know how I feel. Where you go Nova." Alex said panicking

"Back to the dorm." I said has I rushed back out Tony car and headed back to the dorm

I love her , I really do that's why I am about to do something so crazy and something I would never do if it was someone else but of course I didn't tell he so she's probably freaking out right now cause I just ran out

I finally made it back to my dorm and started packing . I packed up my room , my bathroom and all the stuff I bought for the living room. Once I was done I went to Walmart and got food for Alex's house cause I know she don't got food there and be eating out. After about 3 hours of packing and shopping I finally made my way back to her house .

Once I arrived I ran up to her door and rung the door bell , about 3 mins later she was standing there in tears

"Come help me please." I said and she followed behind me confused as I open the doors to my car

"What is all this ?" she asked with a small smile

"I love you too, this was the best way to show you I love you . if you still want to live with me of course." I said smiling

"Are you fucking crazy, of course I do . I really thought I was gone lose you ugh I hate you ." she said picking me up and swinging me around kissing me

"You can't hate me when you just said I love you idiot." I said kissing her back

"Come onnnnn we got to get you unpacked and back in our bed." she said and I started crying

"Aww baby , why are you crying?" she asked

"Cause you said our , and idk everything is hitting all at once . like im happy but scared at the same time , this is all so new to me." I said

"Love , you have every right o be scared but we will still take it day by day at your own pace . This isn't my house , it's all ways been ours . I didn't just build you your own nail , hair and makeup room if I thought this was my own room ." she said

"You're so cute . I love you." I said grabbing things out of my car

"I love you more Nova." she said grabbing things as well

About 2 hours I was unpacked and finally able to sit down , Alex came and sat beside me on the couch and grabbed me to straddle her

"I miss touching you. " she said kissing my neck

"I miss kissing you." she said kissing my lips , forehead , cheeks and nose."

I miss your beautiful eyes. " she said looking up in my eyes

"I miss you." she said hugging me

I smiled at her and grabbed her face kissing her , she kissed back slowly until I deepened the kiss grinding on her

"Oh I sure have missed this too." she teased as she kissed my jaw down to my sweet spot caring me to moan .

"Fuck , I miss how good you make me feel." I said in a whisper

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