Gone in a flash

318 7 15


"I look stupid"

"Don't say that! You look wonderful, now get ready quick, we can't be late." Shannon says as she leaves my room giving me one last glance.

I stand in front of my mirror and stare at my self, this dress looks terrible on me, it's most definitely not what I wanted, maybe it's just not fitting me right. Ugh, summer just started I can't be like this. It's hot girl season and I'm definitely not reaching the standards.

I eventually change my into this light blue dress that I got from my grandma on my birthday.

"Hailey come on!"

Shoot. I had to leave now.

My cousin Laila was getting married and I was so excited. She has been my all time favourite cousin, we've- I mean she's always dreamt of this day to come, not me though, I'm too much of a hopeless romantic for anything special to happen in life. Special meaning, something out of a romance novel, or movie. 

I was so happy for her, and just so ecstatic to see her up there for the first time.

I rush down stairs and get in to the car as fast as I can. Didn't take me a second to get in before Zander started roasting me on how late I was. Kind of deserved it, I did the same to him too, only cause it took him hours to put on a tie.

When we arrive I'm awestruck at how beautiful the venue is, it's like it's something out of a book, or a sort of movie...

I walk around the place taking a look at every little detail, seeing if there's some sort of funny little clue, or anything really. Laila always liked easter eggs, I was guessing there could be a little something around here.

I try to avoid any objects or people, I don't want to bump into anyone and cause a scene.

I walk over to Zander who seems to have taken a great interest in some glass pole looking thing, I'm not sure what it's called, but it looks so... unrealistic ? I will say though, it is very pretty.

"You know how stupid you'd look to a person from over there?" I say, pointing far over to my right.

"How so?" He says in a sarcastic and unamused manner.

"It'd look like you're staring at nothing" I try to keep my posture upright trying not to laugh.

It's so funny saying stupid things, I do it a lot to Zander since there's no one else to.

He just rolls his eyes walks away.

I take a quick Look around me, it seems like a lot more people are arriving now, I should go see Laila,.. or not. She's probably busy getting changed. I don't want to annoy her.

It's been about an hour and it looks that a lot more people had arrived, the ceremony was just about to start actually. I was trying to find Zander since I didn't want to go sit with my younger cousins, their just, a bit strangely hyper. But they'll do alright, I mean, Bethany's there.

I took my seat next to my mom and Zander next to mine, The ceremony was about to start, when a thought hit me.

The bouquet. was supposed to bring that. I struggled to stay focused and froze in my thoughts, maybe Shannon gave it, or something. I start to panic when I realize I was the one that was supposed to bring. Laila specifically asked me because I always chose the flowers and I hand picked them just right for her.

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