He goes to the library at a certain time, which means I have to waste some time. I have about four hours to waste before I have to be on my way to the library.

I don't even want to think about that place anymore. I left on with bad terms and I'd hate to go back. But I'm forced to. I have to get this stupid information about this guy and this stupid fucking diary.

"Seven! Can you come down here for a second?" I hear my mom call from downstairs. I groan in annoyance. Of course she calls me down just as I'm about to clean my room to waste time.

"Coming!" I shout back before laughing at my immaturity. I shake my head and start my short journey down the stairs.

I meet my mom in the kitchen. She's on the other side of the island, looking through a bunch of envelopes.

"Here's some letters for you. Mostly from colleges." She hands me a small stack of envelopes. I frown before looking through them.

And I'm majorly disappointed. Mostly because these are none of the colleges that I applied to. Just some random places from all over the country. I hate it.

"Boo." I throw all of them in the trash except for the very last one. It's a letter from an anonymous source. "What is this?"

I normally don't open mail from anonymous sources because I'm not stupid. But this time I think I want to be a little stupid. I'll pay for the consequences down the road from now.

I take my mom's knife and slide it across the paper. I take out the letter and flip it around so that I can actually read it instead of upside down.

Mr V seems to like you in your leotard

I quickly ball the paper up, scaring my mom in the process. She looks at me with wide eyes but before she has the chance to open her mouth, I walk out of the kitchen and into the lounge.

When I see that the fireplace is on, I immediately throw the letter and envelope into the fire.

Just as I'm watching the letter burn into flames, someone knocks on the door. I cringe but then rush over to the door, needing a distraction for the moment.

I open the door and I'm met with my teacher. My eyes widen, my heart starts beating twice as fast, and my breathing starts to pick up. I feel lightheaded and as if I'm about to have a panic attack.

"Coach, V. What are you doing here?" I ask, swallowing the lump in my throat.

I watch as his eyes scan over my attire, taking his time before his eyes slowly meets mine.

I pray that my mom comes so that i can leave in peace. I don't want to talk or even look at this man. Ever. Not even for practice.

"You haven't gotten your physical fully signed. You missed the doctor's portion of the packet and it needs to be completed by next practice." He explains, holding up the packet in his hand.

I swallow a lump in my throat before reaching and grabbing the packet. He swiftly looks around before grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him.

I gasp at the quick action. Quickly getting uncomfortable at the position I'm in. He brings his lips up close to my ear. "You know the consequences, Seven. I don't want any more mistakes."

Harshly pulling myself out of his grasp, I almost break down into tears. He sends me a glare before his eyes lock on something behind me. His face changes and his lips curl up into a grin.

"Mrs. Morales. It's nice seeing you again." He smiles warmly at her. I almost gag at the facade he brings on when my mom's around. When anyone's around for that matter.

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