𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅. 𝓈𝒾𝓍- 𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑼𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏

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okay I was feeling a little bit lazy so this chapter is late but for a good reason, enjoy ;) (also when it says Bella it's Rosa talking!!)


One month passed since I came to New York and I'm enjoying every second of it, Rosa Marco and me are always outside of the house, and honesty night life is way better here than in Italy.
I miss my home to be honest
I call my dad frequently of course but I miss him more than anything, it's really great here but I just hope he isn't lonely

I mean I would be affected a little bit if he found someone else but since mom died he was always working, and I guess he also needs love in his life.

Speaking of love I interrupted the love birds again

„You literally have a bedroom you can make out in, don't do it in living room if you know im going to walk on you making out* I roll eyes, this always happens to me

„Alright alright also can you buy groceries, we are going out tonight"

„Wait what? where!?"

„To Dante's race? He drives sport cars now, Did you tell her about it Rosa?"

„Uhhhh....Sorry babe, also sorry Bella I forgot.....Oopsies" she said searching her neck

„You gotta be kidding me"

„No and you will go with us"

„No what the hell?! Why should I go with you!?"

„Bella calm down omg he won't even notice you there"

„Yes but I will notice him!!! I don't want to see him at all!!"

„Bella please..."

„I'm sorry Rosa but no, I'm gonna go I will see you in the evening"

„Bella you can't be serious"

„Try Me"

And with that I slapped the doors and left, you may think I'm acting childish but I have full right to act like that, if I don't wanna see him why should I?
But I still have no idea what to do till evening, I guess I should buy the groceries first

Grocery store was 10 minutes away walking from the Mansion so it took me some time, but during the walk I heard bloody screaming, I got goosebumps but followed the sound that led me to an abandoned and dark alleyway

I was never scared like this before in my life, ever.

But like those stupid main characters in horror movies, instead of running away I went into it

I was walking slowly and silently,
the closer I got the screams grew louder
I felt shiver down my spine when I heard the gun being fired and I started to shake,
I was stepping closer and when I finally saw the light on the left
I was going towards it but when I peeked behind the wall,
I saw something that will be left in my head for like, the rest of my life

The Business men we saw on the airport were there with cigarettes between their lips, standing over a dead body that was in a puddle of blood,
the body belonged to a woman in her twenties, she was shot in the head and her ankles

while looking at her body I noticed her eyes looking at me and I loudly gasped, judging by their reaction, they probably heard it
......oh shit.

„Who is there!?"

all of them started turning around and looking for the source of the sound, and well that was me......im fucked.

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