Where's Severus?

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Happy 2024. So far, five days into 2024, I'm sick as a dog. So yay for me, but I've lost weight since I've had this flu since I've only been able to eat soft stuff and drink water. So, that's a plus. 


Minerva tapped her foot on the floor as she waited for someone to answer the floo at Grimauld Place. Severus was supposed to be home last night for his rounds, but never showed. While she understands that he wants to be near Hermione now since they are a couple and she's pregnant, he's Deputy Headmaster and a teacher. He needs to be here to help run the school. 

Harry came into view, holding Albus who was crying. He patted Albus on the back soothingly as he greeted the Headmistress. "Hello, Professor."

"Potter, could you fetch Severus for me, he needs to come home," Minerva said strictly. 

Harry raised an eyebrow. "He went home last night after he ate. Hermione told him he'd owl her after her appointment tomorrow."

Minerva made a squeak of fear. "Oh dear," she muttered. 

"Professor, are you saying Snape is missing?" Harry asked seriously. When Minerva nodded, Harry started thinking. "I'll call the head auror and get them searching."

Harry ended the chat over the floo and stood up with a groan. Bending over that long was starting to get painful on his back. He continued to pat Albus on the back as he walked around the room. His sock foot suddenly kicked something under the couch. Mumbling to himself he sat Albus down on the floor and knelt to get it. 

He recognized Snape's black wand immediately. He flooed for Kingsley. The Minister for Magic listened to Harry explain what Minerva said and Sever's wand. Kingsley looked worried. "Hmm, I don't know who could have taken him. Or would have wanted him."

"Harry, are you ready to head to the office?" Ron asked, walking into the room. He was sporting a cut lip. 

Harry tilted his head at his best friend. "How'd you split your lip, Ron?" 

The tall red head licked his lip to feel the cut, then snapped his fingers as if he just remembered. He pointed to the ceiling where the rest of the family was still sleeping. "Oh, Peter hit me with a toy block early this morning when he woke up. The corner cut my lip." Ron stared from Kingsley to Harry, eyes wide. He glanced at Harry's hand, which was still holding Severus' wand. He pointed to the wand. "Whose wand is that?" He asked after he cleared his throat. 

"Severus Snape's wand. Someone kidnapped him," Kingsley stated in his deep voice, watching Ron closely. 

"Huh, pitty." Ron turned to Harry. "We heading into work today, then?"

Harry shook his head. "No, We've got to search for Severus, and tell Hermione."

Ron groaned and rolled his eyes as Harry and Kingsley walked out of the room and headed to the top of the staircase to Hermione's room. Harry glanced behind him to see Ron trudging behind almost a full floor between them. He knew that Ron hated Severus and Hermione being together, but he didn't think he would be skilled enough to kidnap a double agent. 

Kingsley obviously was thinking along the same lines as Harry. "We've got to keep an eye on Ronald. He's being a little too suspicious."

Harry hated to admit that he was acting off. Even by Ron standards. Kingsley reached the door before Harry and knocked. A tired voice answered, letting them in. Hermione was laying in bed, legs clutching a body pillow half under the covers. "KIngsley, what's wrong?" She tried to sit up, but fell backwards. 

The Minister sighed and helped Hermione sit up on the side of the bed. Her hair was a tangled mess, more than usual. As Ron entered the room, he looked at Hermione with a distant expression that Harry caught. Once Ron saw Harry had caught him he shifted his feet and cleared his throat with a cough. 

"Miss Granger, I have some news for you." Kingsley placed a hand on Hermoine's knee. "Severus is missing."

Immediately, Hermione was alert. "What? What happened?" 

Harry took that time to step forward in front of her. "Calm down. He disappeared on the way back to school in the house. We found his wand by the fireplace." He handed her his wand. 

She took it and closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them she had the fire in her eyes that she had when they were fighting Voldemort. "I want to help find him."

Harry shook his head. "No, you need to rest and keep that baby safe. Snape would kill me if I let you go risking your life and your baby's life to try to rescue him. I'll find him for you."

Ron scoffed behind him. Harry turned to glare at Ron. "How do we know that someone even kidnapped him? Maybe he wants us to think that and he's run away from Hermione and the baby." 

Hermione looked at Ron with a confused look. "Without his wand?"

"He can get another wand. What if he was lying to you the entire time." Ron walked towards her, but Harry stopped him with an angry look. 

He took that as a hint to leave. Quickly, Harry said good bye to Hermione and followed his best friend. Ron walked down to the study where Harry'd found Severus' wand. Perhaps he was searching for anything that suggested Severus wasn't kidnapped. He hung outside the room, ear pressed against the door that Ron had slammed seconds ago. 

There were footsteps and scrapping of the furniture on the floor. He was searching for something. When he didn't find anything he wanted, Harry heard several curses and a loud bang. He must had hit his hand against the table. Then Harry heard the familiar sound of the floo starting. "The Dark House."

The Dark House? Where was that? He rushed back upstairs to tell Kingsley. "Kingsley, Ron used the floo to go to a place called 'The Dark House'."

Hermione looked more angry than Harry has ever saw her. "If he had something to do with Severus' disappearance, I'll kill that git."


I think I will leave this here for now. I'm thinking of starting some new books. What books do you want?

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