Intermission and Teaser #49

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I don't own this. This belongs to their respective owners. I make no money off of this.

"Is that... me," Tony asked hesitantly.

"Technically," Uatu replied. "It is your consciousness from eight years before these events. A back-up Tony Stark. For should you ever go evil."

"Something tells me it doesn't go according to plan," Tony guessed.

"You are right about that," Uatu admitted.

"Figures," Tony grumbled. "When does anything ever go according to plan?"

"It seems like that is a constant in every universe," America said.

"Do I ever go back to normal," Tony asked.

"It is complicated... but yes," Uatu answered.

"How," Tony asked.

"That is for another time," Uatu said.

"I thought we were getting past this," Tony complained.

"I know," Uatu admitted. "I would tell you if I could. But I can't. The One Above All requested that I not say how."

"What about Daredevil," Peter interrupted. "Did he do anything?"

"He attempted," Uatu began. "He failed twice. On the second try, Tony exposed him to the Extremis Virus... and fixed his eyesight."

"How'd he react," Tony asked. He doubted that Daredevil would have hated getting his eyesight back, but considering the circumstances...

"Probably not well," Peter guessed. "Daredevil's powers and blindness come from the same accident. He would much rather not see and have his powers. Because then the alternative is not being able to save people.

Although he didn't tell the others, Peter was pretty sure the idea of being able to see would scare Daredevil. Not because he didn't want to be able to see, but because he didn't know what he would do. Especially if it meant losing his powers.

"You are correct," Uatu told Peter. "He felt Tony was playing God. Not only that but he would have to force him to rely on Tony, even bending his morals. The two got into an argument and Tony left. Matt went to see Foggy Nelson."

"So what are we to view next," Nebula asked.

"One of Peter's clones," Uatu told everyone. "The Scarlet Spider aka Kaine Parker."

"This is the beginning of his story of becoming an anti-hero after he saved Peter," Uatu explained

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"This is the beginning of his story of becoming an anti-hero after he saved Peter," Uatu explained.

"But not a full hero," Peter noted.

"No," Uatu admitted. "He was complicated... It will be shown, but know this, he did try to be a better person. Even if he failed at times."

An) Done. I'm sorry for making Uatu not answer how Tony's personality was fixed, but he literally couldn't. It involves Incursions and they work differently from MCU to comics, and I couldn't think of a good way to explain the differences. Also sorry for being a day late with posting this.

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