Dark Avengers (2009) Issue 001 Part 2

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"A second Captain Marvel," Carol frowned.

"I understand him needing to have a replacement for several heroes, but having a majority of the team be villains can't be good for his public image," Tony said.

"From the looks at the beginning, I doubt they care," Pepper replied.

"I guess that is why he has the whole Stars and Stripes color scheme on my armor," Tony hissed out

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"I guess that is why he has the whole Stars and Stripes color scheme on my armor," Tony hissed out.

"He is right, though," Peter responded. "The Avengers influenced our generation. I was ten during the Battle of New York. You all were heroes. However Tony and Steve were..." Peter trailed off trying to think of a way to word what he was trying to say.

"The most popular," Ned helped. "Tony for stopping the invasion with a nuke. Steve for being the leader."

"The point is, you two along with Thor were just about everyone's favorites," Peter continued. "Not to say that you three weren't popular," he said to Clint, Natasha and Bruce. "But they were the ones everyone liked."

"Do they honestly think that I would only have a simple vault door and some codes," Tony asked

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"Do they honestly think that I would only have a simple vault door and some codes," Tony asked. "Whatever is in there, will remain in there unless I want it out."

"I bet I could get in," Rocket said.

"How about we not debate this right now," Pepper suggested.

"That seems like a great idea," Gamora agreed.

"That seems like a great idea," Gamora agreed

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"I am Groot," Groot asked.

"I doubt it," Quill answered.

"I doubt it," Quill answered

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"Told you," Tony smirked.

"Whatever," Rocket replied.

"Oh great, him," Stephen sighed

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"Oh great, him," Stephen sighed.

"He really needs to lighten up," Tony agreed. "And lose the ego."

"I doubt that will never happen," Uatu said.

"I doubt that will never happen," Uatu said

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"What the hell," Steve asked.

"Language," Tony replied. "In all seriousness what the heck is going on."

"Just watch," Uatu said.

"So much for the public opinion being against the use of villains on the Avengers," Scott said

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"So much for the public opinion being against the use of villains on the Avengers," Scott said.

"The public has always been impossible to please," Wanda said. "Seems like he managed to manipulate them into liking him."

An) Done.

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