"It becomes fixated on it's target and waits patiently to attack. It usually likes to attack mostly when it's target is sleeping." Tonks adds.

"Oh I heard about those!" Arthur Weasley exclaimed, " I heard that it's rumored that they're the cause of that feeling you get as if someone is watching you."

"It's mostly rumor, Arthur, because most of their victims are unaware and don't usually live."

"I'll count myself lucky then." Emily said with a nervous laugh.

Everyone nods grimly and the room is filled with a silence once again. The tea in Emily's hands had grown cold and she no longer found the drink enjoyable.

"Alrighty then," The Doctor finally spoke up, "How are we to destroy it? What's its weakness?"

"A simple Patronus would work." Lupin said, but his face was grim.

"I'm sensing a 'but' here." The Doctor said.

"The only problem is... Well..."

"We don't have magic." Emily said as realization hit, "No magic, no defense."


"Oh dear." Mrs. Weasley said as she came back into the room.

"Didn't you say that the... what are they called? Muggles?" The Doctor asked turning to Emily.

"Yes, non-magical people."

"Right!" He said, seeming proud for remembering, "Didn't they experience a breakout of these creatures already?" The Doctor asked, "How was it taken care of back then?"

"The Ministry of Magic took care of it, but it took far too long and there were many casualties." Tonks said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"So then what are our options?" Emily asked.

"If we don't figure out a way for you to somehow use magic, I'm afraid you can't return to your world."

"Why not?" Panic rose within Emily, a feeling she was becoming well too acquainted with.

"The Lethifold never moves its target from it's prey until it has devoured them. If you return, you won't be able to outrun it. And I'm afraid, after that, it will just continue to multiply without a force to stop it."

"There has to be another way." Mrs.Weasley said, "There always is, we just need to keep looking."

"There's not a lot of information about them. It's almost as if there is something about them that the ministry wants to keep from the public."

Everyone is once again emerged into their own thoughts as Mrs. Weasley finally moves from the doorway and takes a seat beside her husband. They share a worried glance with each other before staring blankly at the table. Lupin has his face scrunched up in thought and in the Doctor's eyes it is clear that he was just as occupied as the ex professor.

Emily's eyes landed on Tonks and her eyes widened.

Tonk's hair was slowly changing from bubblegum pink to dark blue, a very gradual change, but still noticeable. Her hair was also slowly changing length so that it covered more of her face and was down to her shoulders. She was nervously biting her lip and Emily couldn't help but sense as if she was hiding something.

Tonk's eyes met Emily's.

Tonk's tried to look away, but felt guilty as each second passed.

Finally, she sighed and spoke softly, "The Ministry is trying to hide something."

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