The Order

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Chapter 2: The Order

Her feet landed out of the Tardis with a loud KER-PLOP! As she accidentally step into a small puddle. The cold and damp air sharply hit her face and she tried not to shiver as she drew her cardigan closer around her. The street glistened in the dim yellow streetlight, appearing as if it had just drizzled lightly.

Emily scanned the area with her eyes, her brow rising in concern and confusion as she looked.

It was a very unwelcoming neighborhood, and definitely not one you would want to be around at that time of night. The apartments had peeling paint and crumbling doorsteps, some even had broken windows; only they were patched up with fabric and tape. The trashcans lining the street were filled and overflowing with garbage, causing the air to be riddled with a mixture of unpleasant smells.

Emily Held her breath and couldn't help a feeling of disappointment wash over her. It was all too... Normal.

She had expected something far more whimsical, scary even, being that they were in a different dimension. But the only thing interesting about the dark street was the drunk man passed out on a doorstep just a few apartments down.

Emily looked away from the intoxicated man and made her way toward the Doctor. He was standing in the middle of the street, seeming to be taking in his surroundings. He only glanced at her for a moment when she stopped and stood beside him.

"Looks like London." He stated simply, nodding toward a small dusty British flag sticking out of a potted plant on one of the doorsteps. The plant was a sickly yellow and it was obvious it hadn't taken care of very well.

"Are you sure we made it to another dimension?" She asked, a bit of doubtfulness laced within her voice.

"Of course!" He looked down at her and met her eyes. "Why wouldn't we be?"

Emily shrugged and looked at the apartments before asking, "So what now?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know anything about this dimension? Maybe who to go to for answers?"

The Doctor gestured in front of him. "The answers are here Emily. The Tardis always brings me where I need to be."

"So you're basically telling me you have no idea what to do."

"None in the slightest."

A moment of silence fell upon the two as they stared in front of them, hoping that the answers would show themselves. But whatever they were waiting for never came, and Emily soon couldn't help but break the silence.

"It just seems too... Too ordinary."

The Doctor smiled. " I have come to realize that it's never wise to trust ordinary. It's just a façade, a means of hiding something, really. Just think of when you meet someone, they might seem nice when you first meet them, but little do you know they could be hiding something. Something they wish to remain unseen."

He rambled quickly but Emily was able to follow, and was surprised at how true his words really were.

"Is this place...this street hiding something Doctor?" She asked.

He nodded and turned his gaze back to the apartments facing him. "It sure is." He paused, "And I can sense it doesn't want to be found."

"But we're going to find out anyways, aren't we?" Emily said with a smile.

"You know me too well." The Doctor said smiling before he ran up to the apartment and started running his hands along the wall, as if trying to sense something. Emily followed but stayed a good distance behind and allowed the Doctor some space.

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