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Chapter One: Madman

It was a very important day on May 26, 2015, for it was the day that Emily Harrington finally was going to turned eighteen.

That night she sat on one of the chairs outside on her patio as she watched the sky start to slowly change colors. The cool evening air refreshed her and she sighed happily while sinking deeper into her seat.

She was a very interesting girl, petite in size and pale of skin. A faint spay of freckles lay upon her cheeks and her small nose. Her hair was short and very curly, and many of her friends have given her the nickname of "the lamb" because of the softness of her dark brown curls.

If you ever had the privilege of conversing with her you would have noticed that her warm brown eyes spark up, especially when talking about things she loved, and her smile often brightens up her face. She is a very giggly girl making it not very hard to make her laugh and that's what most people love about her. She could be sometimes shy, but she had many friends because of her sweet and caring nature.

All in all, Emily was a great girl, and an amazing friend to have.

Emily sighed sleepily as she looked down at her watch and read the time.

6:48 pm

Just five minutes until she was an adult, and, unknown to her, five minutes until everything changed.

Her friends were coming at around seven, and knowing them all too well, she knew that they would be a bit late so she continued to stare at the sky. Her eyes suddenly felt heavy as she waited for time to move faster and she allowed her eyes to close.

It had only been seconds when she heard her mom call her from inside the house, and she reluctantly opened her eyes. Upon opening her eyes she saw a huge black blob looming over her and she let out a scream.

The creature looked like a pool of blackness draped over a creature a bit smaller than Emily. Black smoke billowed off of the creature and the very air around it felt heavy, as if the gravity had increased. The creature emitted a moaning sound, but the throat sounded dry so it came out rasping and coarse.

The presence of the strange creature seemed to drain Emily's energy, and she felt despair and terror fill within her like the black smoke filling her lungs.

She sprang from her chair and started backing away from the creature, coughing while covering her nose and mouth. A churning sound filled the air and she assumed it was the creature. She grew even more frightened as she hoped he wasn't calling others.

She continued to back up until her back hit a hard surface, presumably the fence, and she closed her eyes.

There was nowhere to go.

"Grab my hand." She heard a voice say... A very familiar voice. She opened her eyes and looked down at the hand. She then followed the hand up to suspenders, a brown coat, and a bowtie.

"If you want to live that is." He said with a bit of a laugh, but worry was growing within his large brown eyes. Taking one last glance at the creature, which was closing in, she grabbed his hand and was pulled into the Tardis that had appeared seconds ago.

Emily lost her balance from his force and fell to the floor as he kicked the door shut. Her head was reeling with all that had just happened.

"What was THAT?" Emily exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Not sure really." He says as he lends out a hand for her to take, "Not a nice fellow though, is he?"

Emily took his hand gladly and he helped her to his feet, it was only then when she looked up to him, her eyes meeting his, that everything suddenly hit her.

"You're the Doctor." She said incredulously. "You're the Doctor."

"Yes I am." The doctor said, grinning widely. "And who might you be?

"Emily." she said, but couldn't stop herself from saying, "You're real!?" She meant it to be a statement, but it came out as more of a question.

"Of course I'm real! What would ever make you think otherwise?" He asked as he ran off and started fiddling with the controls of the Tardis.

Emily slowly spun in a circle as she took in the view of the Tardis, she had seen it many times on TV, but it could never compare to the real thing. A look of awe came upon her face as she marveled at every control, light, and wire.

"Beautiful isn't it. Any place you desire at any time, she can take you there" The Doctor says, stopping a moment to admire.

"Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming." Emily murmured to herself.

"I've never been asked that before, but okay." The Doctor says with a quick pinch on her arm before he goes back to work.

"OW!" Emily rubs her arm as she jokingly glared at the Doctor. "What are you doing?"

"Tracking where the creature came from so we can figure out how to stop it."

" Wait we?" She internally screamed with excitement, but a small part of her, probably her most reasonable side, screamed at her to think of what could happen.

"Yes?" He said glancing at her. "Got other plans?"

"Just my 18th birthday party." Emily said with a shrug.

The Doctor's eyes lit up, "Oh then in that case you have to come with me."

Emily raised a brow, "Why's that?"

"Two reasons." The Doctor said, making his way over to her again. "One: You become an adult at 18, yes? Dreadfully, it is. Growing up I mean. A bit of adventure will do you some good."

"And two?" Emily said laughing.

"Two: well, there's a creature unknown to me waiting just outside to swallow you whole. So I believe your best solution is for you to accompany me to find out how to get rid of it."

As if the creature had been listening to them the whole time, it began banging on the door, causing it to rattle against the force.

Emily turned to face the Doctor again, panic in her eyes. "Good idea."

The Doctor nodded briskly and began working on the controls again.

"It somehow made it here by passing through a dimensional tear. Biggest one I've seen yet!"


The Doctor paused and smiled widely, "We're going to another dimension."

"Is that even possible? To get there I mean." Emily asked.

"We'll see!" He said as he pulled a lever and the Tardis started making it's famous churning sound that Emily had always longed to hear. Everything began to shake and she had to hold on to make sure she didn't fly off.

As fast as it had come, everything had become still. The banging on the door had ceased, and she and the doctor were able to stand up properly.

"Knew you could do it old girl!" The Doctor said proudly and excitedly made his way to the doors.

"You really are a madman with a box." Emily murmured.

"And don't forget it." He said with a wink before opening the door and stepping outside.

Emily hesitated, standing in place. An opportunity like this doesn't happen everyday, and yet here she is.

She glanced down at her watch.

6:53 PM

Her minutes were up.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before following the Doctor. As she walked past the doors she knew that whatever happened, she would never be the same.

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