Chapter 2

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The sun spilled its golden warmth into Chen's Corner, signaling the beginning of another day in the cozy bookstore. Lucy, Jackson, and Tamara went about their morning routine. They carefully arranged comfortable cushions in a dedicated sitting area.

Lucy's excitement bubbled as she prepared for the elementary school class's visit to Chen's Corner that day. Collaborating with local schools had always been a passion of hers, a way to introduce children to the wonders of literature from an early age. It saddened her to know that not every child had the opportunity to be immersed in the world of books, especially when she cherished the memories of reading with her own parents.

Her mind drifted back to her early childhood, a time when her parents still had time for her. She fondly remembered picking out books from the little bookstore across the street from their home, managed by an older man named Bruno. Lucy adored him; he later became the person she would spend her afternoons with when her parents were too engrossed in taking care of other people's children instead of their own.

The brunette cherished the days spent in that cozy bookstore, where she'd pick out books to take home or sit in a corner, lost in the pages of her latest find. Bruno's store was not only a treasure trove of books but also a sanctuary for a young girl who craved the warmth and companionship that sometimes felt lacking in her own home. It was there that her love for reading truly blossomed, and she couldn't wait to pass on that same love to the eager young minds about to step into her own bookstore.

As they adjusted the last cushion, the trio began to chat, their conversation as easy and comforting as the familiarity of the shelves that surrounded them. Jackson, always the one to jump into conversation with enthusiasm, couldn't help but share the details of a successful date he'd had the previous night. He beamed with satisfaction as he recounted the evening's romantic escapades.

"I haven't been on a date in forever," Lucy confessed with a sigh, her eyes sparkling with a hint of longing. The last date she had been on ended with her dramatically throwing her drink at the man, a move she still believed was completely justified. He had been obnoxious and rude, and she had no patience for such behavior.

Jackson, with a mischievous glint in his eye, leaned in a little closer, his voice tinged with playful suggestion. "You know, Lucy, I could think of someone who'd be a perfect fit for you."

Lucy knew exactly who he was referring to, and her mind instantly harked back to the encounter with the handsome customer from the other day. His charming smile had been etched into her memory, and the way he had spoken her name had felt like a sweet melody, replaying in her thoughts ever since.

Tamara, ever the curious one, couldn't resist chiming in. "Oh, really? Who are we talking about?"

"Oh, you know, just some hot blonde man who Lucy helped find a book for the other day," Jackson mentioned, his laughter laced with a hint of mischief.

Lucy, feeling a surge of embarrassment and playfulness, grabbed a nearby cushion and flung it at Jackson. "Jackson, you should shut up. Seriously! And by the way, he's married!"

"Oh, so you're not denying that he's hot!" Tamara grinned knowingly and ducked just in time to avoid the cushion that was now hurtling through the air in her direction.

Lucy rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "Whatever."

The bookstore was filled with laughter and light-hearted banter as they readied themselves for the approaching school visit.

As the school class trooped into the bookstore, led by their teacher, Aaron Thorsen, the children's excitement was palpable. Books whispered stories, promising adventure, and the scent of freshly made hot chocolate hung in the air, creating an inviting atmosphere for the young readers.

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