Finding Homeboy's Dad

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"Stop downloading porn," Fiona says, coming into our room with Debbie. Ian was lying on his bed playing with a ball, I was on the red chair chilling on my phone, and Lip was under the bunk bed searching for Ian's 'possible' dad.

"Oops! Busted," says Lip

"I need a sweater," says Fiona as she starts looking through Lip and Ian's closet.

"Help yourself," says Lip

"Oh, here," I hand her a flowery warm sweater that I don't wear a lot, "I think this could fit you. I always get clothes that are bigger than my size."

"Thanks!" she says, then looks at Lip and Ian, "What are you guys doin'?"

"We're looking for homeboy's dad," says Lip, referring to Ian.

"He's looking for homeboy's dad," says Ian

"Jesus, there are a lot of Gallaghers. Hey, Fiona, do you know any of, uh, Frank's brother's names?" asks Lip

"Shit. I have no idea. Oh, I think one of them's Wendell or something... Y/n, do you know?" Fiona asks me.

"I remember a... Clayton?" I ask

"Guess my middle name comes from my father," says Ian

"Sometimes people name their kids after their uncles, too. It was how others were polite and appreciative of their relatives in the old times," I say

"Suppose I could just start calling them all... Or uhh Y/n?" Lip turns to me hoping to get an answer.

"Not spoiling. We can just visit the possible brothers, could be fun," I say.

"Is it?" asks Lip

"... One of them is a dick," I say

"Whatever, we don't have anything to do today anyway," says Lip, going back to his laptop.

"Why do you even care?" asks Fiona

"He just wishes it was him that wasn't Frank's kid," says Ian

"Theory says that Debbie might also not be related to Frank, I mean she and Ian both have red hair. But who knows, maybe it just comes from Frank's family in general," I say

"If we find Ian's dad, you know, maybe he'll give us some cash," says Lip

"Or want his child for his own," I say

"We could report his name to the State and collect child extra support," says Lip

"Then I'd have to hang out with the dude," says Ian

"What? He might be cool," says Lip

Fiona scoffs, "Frank's brother?"

"He's gotta be better than Frank, right? I mean, maybe he has a job, or he's sober, or he likes kids.

"Doubt it," says Ian, Fiona then takes my sweater and leaves with Debbie. But then she comes back to say something, "Oh, take the bus out to see Grammy. She'll know where the brothers are."

"She's kind of a bitch... No offense," I say

"None taken, we know how she can be," says Ian


"Aren't you a little bit curious to find out who he is?" asks Lip as Ian and I tag along with him, trying to find Ian's dad.

"No," says Ian

"No? He could be any one of these guys," says Lip

"Oh, yeah? Like that one right there?" Ian points at someone.

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