Chapter 13

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Jisung woke up a bundle of nerves the next morning. After his first good sleep since before the Tokyo trip, waking up back into the world felt hard. When his eyes creaked open and he remembered he was in Minho's bed, he could feel himself starting to sweat with anxiety. He was laying on his side, facing the wall, and when he turned over and saw sleeping Minho, bunny teeth peeking out of his slightly open mouth and all, his heart nearly combusted on the spot.

Pounding so hard in his chest, he didn't know how to calm it down. It wasn't the first time he had woken up next to Minho--obviously--but it was the first time he had woken up next to the Minho who had kissed him. Oh god, who he had kissed. He suddenly worried he had made a fool of himself somehow.

Jisung stared at Minho's unconscious, sleeping face, as the scene of them together the night before played back to him in his mind.

Oh my fucking god, he thought, I sucked his finger. I called him 'jagi'. I told him I want him. It was like knot after knot tied up his stomach with the memories coming to him one by one. His heart rate was steadily climbing, the exact opposite of what he wanted. But he couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened between them.

But he....he kissed me. Because...he wants me too? Jisung's face was getting hot, and it didn't help that his mouth released an involuntary squeak of panic. Luckily, it didn't seem to wake up Minho.

Jisung sat up, holding his hands to the sides of his head. Now what? He was trapped in bed with a sleeping Minho, which, yes, was not a bad trap to be in...but he was suddenly so self-conscious about everything. His breath, his probably puffy face, the fact that if Minho caught him lying awake next to him, just watching, he'd realize just how fucking obsessed Jisung was with him....

Slowly and carefully, Jisung lifted the covers off himself, making sure not to disrupt the way they laid over Minho. He attempted to inch his way down to the foot of the bed, so he could slip out of the room without waking Minho.

Unfortunately, Jisung was so focused on not waking Minho up that he wasn't paying attention to the fact that the foot he was stepping down onto was completely asleep, and he tumbled off the bed, effectively rendering all his efforts pointless.

Minho shot up immediately, blinking furiously in an attempt to wake himself up faster like an animal trying to assess whether they were in imminent danger or not.

"Ow...fucking hell," Jisung muttered, his eyes squeezed shut. He sat up and pressed a hand to just over his tailbone, where he had landed.

"What happened?" Minho asked, "What's wrong?" 

Jisung watched as Minho got out of bed and sat down on the floor right in front of him. Minho was trying so hard to seem awake and ready to help, but his eyelids hung heavy and his face strained as he was clearly fighting to stifle a yawn. His hair was mussed from sleep, sticking up in the front.

Jisung couldn't help but laugh. Minho tilted his head in question and waited for a response.

"Sorry," Jisung said, aware of just how soft and sappy he probably looked watching Minho right now. "You just...look so cute..." he felt a blush blooming on his cheeks. It felt embarrassing to call another person cute to their face.

Minho raised both eyebrows and tried harder to keep his eyes open, clearly not expecting that from Jisung.

"You think I'm cute, Jisunga?" he asked as easily if he had just asked how the weather was, but he was clearly very interested in what the answer would be.

"Oh my god," Jisung said with a slight groan as he rolled his eyes in embarrassment. "I obviously think you're cute, Minho. I feel like we...we've established that already."

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