"Nothing else happened? Maybe you flirted with him so much that his brain cells fried." Catarina chuckled.

"Honestly!" Magnus pouted.

"As funny as that is, I dont think that's what happened. Was there an omega who was about to go on heat?" Ragnor was done with going through Magnus's portions, so he sat down next to Catarina.

"I didn't notice anything like that." Magnus was sure he would have noticed something like that.

"There was an omega. The one Alexander one was talking to during the party." Catarina and Ragnor nodded to show that they remembered who Magnus was talking about.

"But Andrew came to look for us only after Alec lost control. Thankfully, Alec did not make any advance towards Andrew. Since he lost control, he has been holding onto my arms." Magnus pointed at the arm, Alec was holding so tightly.

"Yeah, I was wondering about that. So, basically, Alec's alpha is not letting you go?" Ragnor looked at Alec , who still had his eyes closed.

"Something like that."

"Did you try moving away from him?" Catarina asked. To show what the response of Alec's would be, Magnus tried to slowly take his arm away, and without a second delay, a threating and dark growl left Alec's mouth. All three warlocks looked at each other with wide eyes. The growl was so powerful that it was definitely a warning growl. All knew they should not provoke Alec's alpha any longer.

"Okay, okay! Do not move. He will rip our throats off if you move away." Ragnor was quick to respond.

"Do you know what is happening? At least he doesn't seem to be in pain anymore, but he was hyperventilating earlier."

"I might have an idea." Catarina leaned back on the chair as she closed her eyes.

"And that is?" Magnus encouraged his friend to speak. Catarina opened her eyes and looked at Magnus, who was waiting for an answer, and then she looked at Ragnor, who was also waiting for a response.

"I talked to Alec yesterday, after you left the party." Catarina sighed.

"About?" Magnus squinted his eyes as he asked the question.

"More like I threatened him to stay away from you."

"When was he ever near me?" Magnus scoffed.


"Apologies, carry on."

"I told him to stay away from you if he didn't return your feelings back, and he said he wanted to stay away from you." Catarina stopped to look at Magnus. Magnus seemed as if he wasn't even surprised.

"Isn't that lovely to hear." Magnus fake smiled.

"But he said he couldn't because of his alpha."

"Because of his alpha?" Ragnor asked this time.

"He said his alpha protest whenever he tried to move away from Magnus and that his alpha has never been attracted to anyone else like that. He mentioned that his alpha tries to takeover whenever you are not around, and he said it scars him. He went on how he would lose his job and everything that matters to him if he could not control his alpha." Catarina took a deep breath.

"He went as far as to ask for my help, and I suggested we could try to mute his alpha until he finds a mate."

"Mute his alpha? That would crush his soul." Magnus protested.

"I am sure he knows the side effects of the procedure, Magnus. He said he wants to mate with someone else. He said he had thought about it so many times, but his alpha would not let him."

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