Chapter 10

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After being returned to the tent, I didn't feel like doing much of anything. I attempted to take a nap, but only wound up lying on the bed, replaying everything in my head and crying.

I heard Jeremiah knock when it was time to bring the food in for supper but I ignored him. I was facing the wall of the tent, so I knew he would assume I was sleeping and take care of setting the tray on the table without my acknowledgement or assistance.

Roughly half an hour later, Richard returned as he always did at this time of day. I didn't hear him approach, but suddenly, he was in front of me. Noting that I was awake and had been crying, he crouched down, looking concerned.

"Are you feeling alright?" he asked quietly.

I was about to say that I was fine since I didn't have a headache or a stomach ache or any other physical ailment, but I wasn't alright. It may not have been physical, but I did actually feel sick.

Instead of answering, I glanced away, suddenly afraid to talk to him. What if he admitted to lying to me?

Worse, what if he lied while denying it, and I believed him?

If he hadn't lied, what if I made him remember all the reasons why I wasn't a good choice of a bride for him?

It was strange to realize that I really did want to marry Richard. All this time I'd been thinking that I had to marry him because it was my only real choice. But knowing him now and the sort of person he was, I knew he was exactly the kind of man I would have wanted to marry. Even if I hadn't planned on it happening for a few more years. He was kind, smart, generous, and I was confident that he could protect me.

He was even handsome. Initially, there had been much bigger things on my mind than his looks, but Richard was very handsome. He was tall with broad shoulders and strong arms. It was easy to tell just by the way he carried himself that he was powerful, and that the power he possessed was his for good reason. At first, I thought his hair was black since it was night time when I'd met him, but in the daylight it was a very dark brown. It was slightly wavy and hung a little longer than most men wore their hair, but not so long that it came near his shoulders. His eyes were an unusual hazel color that had some green in them and were framed by thick, dark lashes. Overall, the effect was almost devastatingly handsome, and I could imagine that even without all his money and power, girls would simply line up to have a chance with him.

On top of all of that, if none of this had happened, and somehow he and Papa could have met on friendly terms, I think they would have liked each other.

"Cecily, please tell me what's wrong."

I met his gaze again and sat up, knowing there was no way around this conversation. It took a few minutes to find the courage to actually start though.

"Are you...." I hesitated, not sure I was really ready for the answer.

When Richard only watched me curiously, I forced myself to say it.

"Are you really planning to marry me?"

He looked completely bewildered. "What?"

"Tell me the truth, please," I begged. "Are you going to marry me, I just....?" I couldn't finish.

"Of course I am," he said. "Why would you think otherwise?"

I shrugged awkwardly and avoided his eye, unsure of whether I should believe him or not.

His hand came under my chin, gently urging me to look into his eyes again.

"Have I given you any reason to doubt me?" he asked.

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