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Korea, Busan, In morning, the sun's rays piercing the dense clouds and filling Korea with colorful light. It dawns with new hope.

Aera's alarm rings loudly, she switches it off and looks at the time on the clock. She sees that she is half an hour late, She quickly got up from her bed and quickly did her daily routines and came out of her room.Because she has to do all the household work and because of this she sleeps late and wakes up early every day. But today she is half an hour late and she knows that her aunt will punish her if all the work is not done on time. Aera cleans the house before the family members i.e. uncle, aunt, their daughter and son wake up.

She was cleaning the house when her aunt wakes up, Aera tries to go to the kitchen secretly from her sight but her aunt is very smart that she is watching Aera from a distance,

Aunt : Don't even try to run away from my sight. Why are you late in getting up today, that is fine but if you don't do your work on time then you know what will happen to you. (she says giving an evil grin)

As soon as Aera hears this, she gets more scared because she knows what they will do to her if the work is not done on time.
Thinking this she says in a low voice to her aunt.

Aera : Yes, I will do all the work on time . Madam.

Saying this, Aera goes to the kitchen and quickly starts preparing breakfast, because uncle, his daughter and son will wake up in some time. So, Aera is quickly preparing breakfast for them, then all three of them also come ready from their rooms.Everyone is waiting for breakfast in the dining area. Just then Aera brings breakfast for everyone.


Yeah, it's Aera's birthday and he is Seo-jun, He is the only one in the entire family who treats Aera well. He doesn't like what his family does to Aera but he ignores what the family does. Because Aera asked him to do it, She doesn't want any fights between him and his family and that too because of Aera.

"Aunt : Huhhhh, birthday?? Birthdays are celebrated for those who brought happiness as they were born, but Aera's father threw her away as soon as she was born, it is sad."

Saying this, everyone starts laughing except So-jun, he feels bad about this but can't do anything Cuz Aera has taken a promise from him to not fight with family for her, So he just ignores them and concentrates on eating his breakfast.

Aera sadly muttered to herself

Aera hung her head and went out to the kitchen, she hates this day so much. Aera was finishing her work in the kitchen when someone yell from the dining area.

?? : Aera, I have a meeting today, I told you about it yesterday, you had to iron my suit, did you do it or not?

Aara suddenly remembers that she has not done that, she palm her face and apologizes to her uncle and goes straight to his room, pick his suit and starts ironing it.Then his daughter calls out to Aera, because Aera didn't polished her shoes, she screams loudly from her room and dragged Aera out to the hall to get her shoes polished.

Aera : Wait, slow down, I'll fall, I'll polish your shoes Ji-hyun, go slowly

Ji-hyun : You are very slow in working, perhaps your father knew this as soon as you were born, that is why he left you.Hurry up now, otherwise I'll be late

They reached the hall, Aera started polishing Ji-hyun's shoes. when this work is finished Aunty calls out loudly to Aera from her room, she seems very angry. Aera runs to her aunt's room in panic.Meanwhile, his uncle also comes and his attention goes to the suit, as soon as Aera reached to room,

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