♡ CHAPTER 16 ♡

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Monster: Begone! Begone! Begooone!

*The monster targeted Deuce.*

"Aw, crap! He's got Loosey-Deucey on the ropes! Not on my watch! Heeyah!"
*Ace showing some "Kong fu"*

Monster: Rrroooarrrgh!

Don't get too close to him.
Or you'll end up like Deuce.

*Did Ace just-*

"Myaaah! Stay away from me!"

Monster: Grrraaawrrr!

"It's like nothin's even hurtin' it!"
*At least he didn't send the mine on fire...*

Back away...! Eh?
*Seele looked real hard.*

Something there, it's shining!

"She's right!
Behind the monster! There's something sparkling in the mineshaft!"
*Ace pointed.*

"Could that have been a magestone?!"
*Deuce also looked real hard.*

Monster: GWAAAAAAAAH! Nooo giiive yooouuu stoooooooone!


"Seele, we need to book it, and fast! That thing's gonna pound us into tuna paste!"

.. You guys run, I'll retrieve the magestone..!

"Seele?! Don't make me think that you're planning to risk again!?"
*Veliona spoke in Seele's mind.*

"Myaah?! Are you crazy?!"

"No, I can't allow that! You'll end up injured!"
*Deuce grabbed Seele's arm, and they all ran out.*


"Damn, Juice gettin' luckyy"
*Ace whispered.*



"This should be far enough, I think?
And Seele, what in the tuna cans were you thinking?
That monster is like twice your size!"
*Awww, Grim worrying for Seele♡*

"Never think like that again, Seele."
*Veliona spoke again.*

No promises...

"Owww... What was that thing? No one said there'd be anything like that!"
*Ace being a baby #1*

"That was no normal ghost, that's for sure.
Seele, please never say or do that again..."

Maybe, but our main priority is that everyone's safe, right?

"Let's just give up and go home.
I'll happily take the expulsion if it means never having to fight that thing again."
*I can sense that Deuce is holding the urge to punch him♡*

"What?! Nuh-uh, not happenin'! I'd rather die than get expelled from Night Raven!
How can you give up when the stone is right there?"

"Pfft. Big talk from someone who's not even half the mage I am.
You want that stone so bad, go get it yourself. I'm out."
*Ace began to walk away.*

Not happening..!
*Seele grabbed Ace by the back of his jacket.*

*Ace obviously got caught by surprise.*

"Oh, YEAH?! Fine, go back to your coop, you big chicken!"
*That was all Deuce thought of insulting him.*

"Whaaaaat?! Who're you callin' chicken, huh?!"
*Ace glared at him.*

*Veliona is just laughing her ass off*

"Whoa, Deuce... Is it just me, or did you, like, turn into a totally different person just now?"
*Grim hid behind Seele.*

*Cough cough*
"Sorry... Lost my cool for a second there."
*Deuce made an excuse😭*

Well, someone has to go back there to retrieve the stone!
We can't get expelled!!

"Can't you guys just blow that thing up with magic?"
*Grim asking for a punch*

"Using magic at a greater scale, or using different types of magic - those things require training."
*Deuce explained.*

"Yeah, that's why academic magic exists.
It takes a lot of training before you can snap your fingers and turn your thoughts into magic.
And the more flustered you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes."
*Ace using his brain😨😨*

Both of you are right. Magic requires training.
That's why we shouldn't get expelled!
Or your magic will stay at this level for eternity, and you wouldn't be able to defend yourselves in the future.
Talking about experience.
For example, Grim can only summon fire balls.

"Hey! I'm gonna learn how to use WAY cooler magic than that, for the record!
I'm just hittin' my stride here!"
*Grim started to blabber.*

"Anyway, we need to find some way to defeat that creature and get the magestone."
*Deuce ain't giving up>>*

"Yeaaaaah. Just like the time with the chandelier, right? You found some way, and now here we are.
We just fought that thing, and it creamed us (ayo💀)
So what exactly is your plan here, genius? Because I sure don't trust you to improvise!"
*Ace so fat he broke the chandelier*

"What?! You're the one who-"

"Aaand they're at it again."
*Grim yawned.*

Please stop fighting, I'm pretty sure we can get out of this in another way.
Or would you rather be expelled, then.

Ace and Deuce: What?

"Woah, that was harsh. Where'd that come from?"
*Grim, you're way more HARsh than her😭*

Sorry, but why don't we cooperate a little?

"With Loosey-Deucey? No way. He'd get me killed!"

"Like it'd be some treat for me to work with you?!"

Calm down! We can think of a proper plan first?

"A proper plan? Like some kinda buddy move?
Is that a joke? You always say the lamest things with the straightest face, Seele."


"Agreed. No way could I work together with him."

"Yeah, but... Gettin' expelled on the first day... That's pretty lame too. Maybe even lamer."
*Grim is right, bro💀*

*Ace out of words, lmao*

*Even Deuce💀*

I have a plan, and yes.
Being expelled on the first day is very embarrassing.


"Seele... Is this plan of yours really gonna work? I'm sca- I mean, I'm a little... uh, hungry."

Don't worry! I think this could really work!

"Seele if you get hurt, remember i would also get hurt, so think wisely-"
*Veliona spoke in Seele's mind.*

Don't worry, Seele.
I'm sure this can work!

"It really could. Let's go, Seele."
*Deuce along with the rest moved forward.*

                    ♡ EGOS CLASHING ♡

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《希儿·芙乐艾》 [] ♡Twst × Hi3♡ [] Seele!Reader [] ♡Twisted Wonderland♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang