♡ CHAPTER 12 ♡

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"Yeah, right, like I'm gonna wash a hundred windows.
I'm just gonna go back and -"
*Ace was caught by surprise*


Hey! Come back here, traitor!!

"Oh no! They saw me!"
*Ace trembled and tried to escape quickly*

"Stop right there, pal! No fair gettin' a head start! Wait!"
*Grim sprinted against him.*

"Who in their right mind would ever wait?! See ya!"

"No way are you gettin' out of this! Do you think I WANNA wash windows?"

(Well, you literally caused a scene and burned a statue, 100 windows is the least you can do♡)

Seele! Would you help me?
*Seele asked Veliona*

"Tsk, sometimes you still make me think you're hopeless without me, fine, fine."

*Veliona sprinted as fast as Ace as she grabbed Grim by his tail*


Stop whimpering.
We have to chase down that person.

"Person? I thought you knew his name?"
*Grim is getting suspicious*

So? I can't call him whatever I want?
Oh, wait.
*They saw a Blue haired male with a spade drawn on his left eye.*

*The blue haired male was confused. Why were they running.*

"Outta my way!"
*Ace sprinted faster as "Seele" was catching up to him.*

"Hey! What gives?"
*The male was confused.*

Stop him! Don't let him get away!

"W-what do i do?
Do you want me to cast a spell to stop him?"

That jerk is skipping his punishment!!"
*Grim yelled while holding onto his dear tail.*

"Like, freeze his legs? Or bind them them with a rope?
Or maybe I could... Hmm... No..."

I don't care! Just do anything, maybe something heavy, just stop that b-
*Veliona immediately stopped her words when she was about to swear.*

"Anything?! Anything, huh...
All right!
Here goes anything!
I summon thee... something heavy!"
*A litteral black pot appears up Ace's head.*

"Bwaaah?! Wha?! A pot?!"
*The pot fell on top of him. He was crushed like a card.*

*Veliona giggled, she tried not to laugh.
It wouldn't sound like Seele, right?*

"Ah ha ha ha ha! Look, Seele, look!
That Ace guy got crushed beneath a giant cauldron! It squashed him flat!
Aha ha ha! That'd what you get!"
*Grim started to laugh like an idiot.*

"A cauldron?! I wasn't expecting that.
I may have overdone it this time..."
*The male was kinda feeling guilty.*

"Seele, I'll go back now."

*Veliona passed the body control back to Seele.*

What are you bothering me for? You guys coulda just banged out the work yourself!"

"Eh? Y-you, the girl... Did you just change your eye and hair color?"
*The male was surprised.*

"It's a trick she can do, well.
That's what she told me!"
*Grim wa suspecting even more.*

A trick?
Right, Seele must said that.
*Seele thought*

Yea, it's a small trick I can do..

"That's so cool! So this is what the Mirror meant when it said your power was unknown..."
*The male was affascinated.*

Well, Ace.
It was headmage's orders. You can't skip and leave the work on us.

"You have to wash a hundred windows as punishment?
What the heck did you do?!"

"I was just screwing with that furball a little.
...Okay, and the statue of the Queen of Hearts got teeny bit charred.
Sue me."

"You damaged a statue of the Great Seven?!
No wonder he flew off the handle at you!
After you managed to get into THIS school, how could you get in trouble on the very first day?!"
*The male seemed verg educated, Seele liked it.
Unlike the other two.*

"Oh, shut up. Who are you, anyway?"
*Ace was annoyed.*

"My name is Deuce. Deuce Spade.
Don't you remember your own classmate? Uh..."

"You don't remember my name eighter, do you?"

(But Seele just mentioned your name earlier. These dudes are deaf.)

"That's not the point! You shouldn't try to shrink an order from the headmage!"

I agree with Deuce. You shouldn't just run away from your problems.

"Yeah, yeah, message received... Fine, let's bang out the windows already.
*Ace was searching for something. What is it?*

Hm? Something missing?

"The furball! He's gone!"
*Ace shouted*

Furball, you mean... Grim?!
*Ace and Seele went to look around.*

"Ah ha ha ha! I'll let you two handle the rest!
See ya, suckers!"


I can't trust any of them... Ugh...

"You caught me so YOU could run away yourself?!
Hey! You there! Uh... Juice?"

Pfft... J-Juice?

"My isn't Juice.
It's Deuce! With a D!"

"This is partially your responsibility, you know?
So help me catch that little furball. "
*Ace grabbed Deuce.*

"How is this my responsibility?!"

"Because you crushed me! And let him escape!
Seele, you're coming too!"

*Ace grabbed Seele and Deuce, and they went to animal hunting.*

*You know, the minigame and blah blah blah*

            ♡ PUNISHMENT DUCKING ♡

《希儿·芙乐艾》 [] ♡Twst × Hi3♡ [] Seele!Reader [] ♡Twisted Wonderland♡Where stories live. Discover now