♡ CHAPTER 15 ♡

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"More ghosts?! They're floating around here, too!"
*Ace was about to scream fr fr*

"If we stop to fight, we'll never get anywhere.
Let's just keep moving."
*Deuce taking the front line.*

"Sure, but don't act like we voted you team leader.
The only reason we're here in the first is because of that stupid stunt you pulled."

"Oh? I'm pretty sure this all started because you tried to shirk your window-cleaning punishment!"
*Deuce is THIS close to give Ace a slap across his ginger face.*

*Seele just crossed her arms and nodded.*

"So, we're bringing up ancient history now?
Then, if you wanna get down to brass tacks, this all started when furball torched that statue!"
*Ace playing the victim #1*

It's not like you didn't do anything, Grim was all calm before you started to say things.

"You tell him, Seele."
*Veliona spoke in Seele's mind, proud.*

"Seele is right, myah!
You shouldn't have made fun of me!"

"Guys! We're in real hot water, remember?!
If we don't come back with a magstone by morning, we're all being expelled."

(Deuce, someone needs to teach Ace some manners, tho♡)

Deuce is right. We will get expelled and Ace, I dont think your mother would be very happy about that.

"Does he even have a mother at this point?
He looks like he has been raised by a single father who didn't even bother to look at him."
*Seele spoke in Seele's mind again*


"What? I'm just spitting a few words..."

"Yeah, which is why we don't need you ordering the rest of us around.
It gets old real fast."

"Seele, let me control the body.
I need to give that thing a lesso-"

No, sorry Seele. But violence is not always the answer.
But I unfortunately have to agree. He looks like a son raised by a single father.
*Veliona burst into laughter and tears.*

All of you, please calm down.
I hear somethi-

"...iiivvv... ...oooouuu..."

(I'm dying just writing this🤣)

Deuce, Ace and Grim: Huh?!

"Wh-where's that comin' from?"
*Ace looks like he's about to faint any time soon.*

"...neeevvvaaa... ...iiivvv... ...ooouuu..."

*Seele is just holding back♡*

"That's it, Seele! I'm taking the body control by force."


"Sounds like... it's getting closer..."
*Deuce is on the verge to jump.*

"Red Seele?"
*Deuce questioned*

Where are the sounds coming from.

*Veliona went closer to the noise source.*

"Stooonesss... Stooonesss aaare miiiine!"
*It's a litteral giant bottle of walking ink.*

(I couldn't find the picture of the monster, sorry♡)

"Seele! Don't!"
*Seele took the body control back*

Seele! W-


"Why did you do that?"

If you kill it, the ink will flow everywhere and probably drown the place.

"Tsk... Then let's see what you would do then."

Deuce, Ace and Grim: Bwah! There it is!

"What is that?!"
*Deuce became pale.*

No one said there'd be monsters! Let's get outta here!"

"That thing's super creepy! But didn't it just say something about stones?!"
*Ace was holding against the wall.*

"Wait, what?!"
*Grim was too scared to listen to them.*

Monster: Stooonesss... ...nevvva give stooonesss...!

"So there ARE still magestones here!"
*Deuce was getting his hopes up.*

"Myaaah... Even as a master sorcerer, I... I don't think I can take that thing down!"
*Grim is still half petrified.*

"I told you, let me kill that scum, Seele!"

Sorry Seele.
But I have to refuse.

"But we need a magestone, or we'll get expelled! I'm going in!"

"Are you outta your mind?!"
*Even for Ace, it was too much.*

It's too dangerous, you can't!

"I won't be expelled! No matter what!"
*Deuce was determined*


*You know, the minigame yeah, yeah♡*


《希儿·芙乐艾》 [] ♡Twst × Hi3♡ [] Seele!Reader [] ♡Twisted Wonderland♡Where stories live. Discover now