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Ghost A: Hee hee hee... Aren't the two of you supposed to be off cleaning the school today?

"Mmmmm... Ngh... Five more minutes, Ma..."
*Grim seems to be dreaming of something...*

Ghost B: Go ahead, sleep the day away.
And you might not eeever hafta wake up again.

Ghost C: Just like us! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

"Myah?! The ghosts are back! Hey, Seele, up and at 'em!"
*Grim just gave Seele an order*

(Nawh bro🔫)

I hope it doesn't become a habit of yours... Ordering me around.

*The minigame thingy ♡♡*

Ghost A: So I hear you'll be living here from now on? Hope you like pranks as much as we do! Hya ha ha!

"We gotta get rid of those things for good!"
*Grim can't with them anymore, and maybe Seele too.*

"Good morning, Seele.
Did you sleep well?"
*An echoing voice stepped in the entrance of the dorm*

*The both of them quickly ran there*

"Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame!
Exactly how ramshackle IS this dorm?
And worse yet, we got woken up by ghosts!"
*Grim is complaining♡*

I slept fine.. I don't know how that thing happened to Grim, tho.

"Of course you slept FINE.
You were floating while sleeping, so the mattress didn't fall!!"

My bad...

"I am delighted to hear that you've adjusted so well, despise being sent another world!"
*Crowley probably didn't give two thongs even if Seele didn't sleep well.*

"Now, speaking of moving on, let is discuss your assignment for today."


"Your job today is to clean the campus.
That said, the campus is vast. Without magic, it'd be quite the Herculean task to clean it all.
Therefore, today, I'll have you focus on the area spanning from the front gates to the library.
Now, Seele...
I do expect that you'll keep a close eye on Grim, lest he cause another incident like yesterday."
*Crowley explained gave Grim a headache.*

Understod, I'll promise to keep an eye on him!
I won't let him bring harm to anyone..!

"Do not fail me. You may take your lunch in the cafeteria.
I eagerly await the fruits of your labor."
*Just like that, Crowley left.*

"Hrmph. I ain't cleanin' norhin'!
I'm here to study magic so I can be blastin' off spells left and right!

Let's go to the front gate, I'm not familiar with this place so.
I'll say you're the expert here if we get lost.
You'll guide me back?
Also, Crowley said that you need to behave, or it's trouble for the both of us.

*Grim didn't listen to a word she said.*

*Seele, annoyed, grabbed Grim by its tail again and dragged him to the campus front gate.*

               ♡ FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL ♡

《希儿·芙乐艾》 [] ♡Twst × Hi3♡ [] Seele!Reader [] ♡Twisted Wonderland♡Where stories live. Discover now