Types of Writer's Block: Getting Started

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Getting started:
This is when you know what you want to write, but don't know how to begin. This can apply to both the beginning of a story, chapter, or scene.

How to deal with it?

There are many ways to deal with it, but this tends to be the most sipmle:
Go Cave Man style.

Write down the different possible ways to start the chapter, story, or scene. Than , pick the one that you like best.

Another way is to skip that scene, and come back to it later. Sometimes it can help if you write what you already know, then come back and fill in the previous event.

The other way a lot of writers deal with it is to simply: just start it.
Sometimes if you write a beginning sentece down, the rest comes naturally.

You can't wait for inspiration to come, you have to go after it with a baseball bat.

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