♡︎The Talk♡︎

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Nervously I sat on the couch with my leg bouncing fast waiting for Fantasia to arrive. Today I decided is the day I tell her I really feel about her. After about 15 minutes later the door bell rang I got up from the couch and took a deep breathe.

"You got this Taraji", I said to myself before I went over to the door. I got to the door and took one more deep breath before opening it. I opened the door.

"Hey Raji", Fanstasia said hugging me as she stepped into the house.

"Hey Tasia", I said fake smiling hugging her back closing the door.

"What's going on girly, why you call me over here? Is everything alright?", she asked me looking at me kind of concerned.

"Oh yea everything is find I just want to uh.. talk to you about something that's been on my mind that's it." I told her laughing nervously.

"Oh ok", she said walking over to have a seat on the couch. Following her over to the couch I sit next to her leaving a little gap in between us.

"So I been thinking a lot and I've been feeling this for a while I've just been scared to tell you because I'm afraid of what it'll do to our friendship.",  I explained playing with my hands glancing at her every once in a while.

"What is it Taraji you're scaring me if you're sick you know you can tell me if you did some-", I cut her off before she could finish.

"Fan- fantasia I love you, I'm in love with you, and I have one of the biggest crushes on you... basically what I'm trying to tell you is I have feelings for you. I'm sorry I you weren't expecting that and if you wanna stop talking to me or whatever I completely understand I just really needed to get that off my chest. And if you don't feel the same I completely understand also. Im apologize I'm so nervous right now I'm just talking please say something so that I can stop rambling. That was weigh-" she stopped me and I took deep breath.

"Taraji its ok calm down I been knew how you felt I know you felt some way by the way you would look at me everytime you would look at me, how protective you are. I love you too, you don't need to worry about our friendship getting messed up we've been through so many storms and got through them together so we'll go through the next one together." she explained to me calming my nerves.

"Thank you Fantasia I really needed to hear that.. You said you been knew if you knew already why didn't you say something before." I asked with a kind of concerned look on my face.

"No problem and because I wanted you to tell me your self, I wanted you to tell me on your own time, I didn't want to say anything and you weren't ready to talk about it." she explained to me.

"Thank you for letting me tell you on my own time." I said.

"No problem and Taraji." she said putting her hand in top of mine.

"Yes", I looked up at her.

"I have feelings for you too." she told me smiling at me.

"Really?", I asked looking up at her.

"Yes", she replied.

"So what do we do from here what do you wanna do." I asked.

"We can try this out if you want." she told me gripping my hand.

"I would love too." I told her holding onto her hand smiling.

Fantasia kissed me I was kind of shocked but all I could do is freeze, I've always wanted to kiss her but I never thought that I actually would.

"Damn I can't get a kiss back." Fantasia said pulling away looking at me.

"I- Im sorry I was shocked and didn't expect that." I told her blinking my eye multiple times than kissing her back.

"So what's on today's agenda", Tasia asked me.

"Well today I don't have work so I was planning on just relaxing probably.", I told her.

"I'll relax with you then." she began taking her shoes and jacket off and sat back on the couch.

I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. I went to Hulu and turned in Greys anatomy. I grabbed the blanket the was beside me and put it over me, Fantasia scooted closer to me putting one of her arms around me putting the cover over her too. I smiled and continued watching TV.

A few minutes into watching TV I felt her rubbing on my thigh making my pussy throb a little. She slid her hand up towards my upper thigh making me spread my legs a little. Feeling on my pussy through my panties I felt myself getting wet even more.

"Damn", she said looking at me still rubbing it.

"I can't help it rubbing on me turns me on." I told her.

Moving my panties to the side she started playing with my clit laying back on the couch I opened my legs more trying to not make a sound.

"Lay down." she told me smirking.

I laid all the way down on the couch. She moved the cover and lifted up my over sized t-shirt, taking my panties off throwing them on the floor.

"Your pussy is so pretty baby." she said looking up at me biting her lip rubbing her thumb across my wet lips.

"Thank you" I blushed.

Leaning down she brushed her tongue against my clit.

"Mmm", I moaned.

She started licking all over my pussy sucking it every once in a while, she nibbled and sucked making me cum a little now adding her fingers and going at a decent pace.

"Shit-" I moaned out.

"You taste so good baby." she said smiling speeding up her pace.

"Oh my-", I grabbed her hand.

She continued speeding up her pace while curling her fingers making me cum in less than a minute. Curling my toes, arching my back, and bucking my hips as she pumped her fingers in and out of me.

"Fuckkkkk babyyy", I moaned loudly.

Now starting to squirt she took her fingers out and starts rubbing my clit faster making me squirt even more. Shaking a little she took off her pants and panties getting on top of me, making sure our clits are lined up she began rubbing her clit onto mines.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck", I screamed.

Our moans and the sounds of juices as we grinded on each other filled the room. I sucked her boobs ass she began going faster and bouncing on top of me.

"Squirt with me baby.", she said out of breath.

"Okayyyyy", I moaned.

Both now squirting and cuming Fantasia then collapsed on top of me breathing heavy. I put my arms around her and rubbed her back.

"I needed that my finger were not doing the job I needed them to do." I said chuckling.

"Me too I've been avoiding relationships because I knew how I felt about you and didn't want to have to leave that relationship if I was really happy to be with you.", she explained to me.

"I completely understand", I told her kissing her.

We both got up to go shower and clean the couch and enjoyed the rest of the day.

Sooo.. How do y'all like it so far??🙈 Let me know what y'all think🫶🏽

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