♡︎The Ex♡︎

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♥︎Two days later

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Two days later

Taraji is at work I called off today because I think I caught a cold so i'm just relaxing. I've deep cleaned the house as much as I could before getting weak and called it a day. After cleaning I just have been relaxing Raji has been blowing me up making sure i'm ok.

It's almost 11 am and i've basically been in bed all day watching tv. I reach over on my night stand to grab my phone I unlock it to see multiple notifications for this one person I decided to see what it was about. I opened the messages and saw lots of pictures and screen shotd of Taraji and her ex.

I instantly got furious and called Taraji.

"Hey baby, are you ok?", said picking up the phone.

"Do you have something to tell me?," I asked with an attitude.

"Um no?", she replied back in a confused voice.

"Then why am I getting sent screenshots of you and messages between someone and sexual pictures. Are you cheating on me Taraji and don't lie to me."

"I'm not cheating on you Fantasia I would never. Whoever is sending you that stuff is obviously trying to break us up or something. I'll let you go through my phone have my passwords to anything just to show you i'm not cheating."

"Why does everything look recent tho Taraji?"

"I don't know what you're talking about but i'm not cheating on you... can we talk about this later right not is not a good time i'm really busy i'll call you back when I get the chance I promise."

"Ok Taraji.", I said before hanging up.

I have so many emotions running through my body right now I don't know what to do. After a few minutes of just staring at the wall I finally decided to text the person back.

fanstasia: why are you sending me this stuff is there something i should know????

Michael ealy: she didn't tell you?? we still be fucking around... i thought it should be known now.

fanstasia: that's not what she's saying.

Michael ealy: well what she's telling you is a lie i sent you the evidence...

fanstasia: how did you even know we were together??

Michael ealy: i have my ways😉

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