Chapter 1 - A Mother's Love

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Unyielding, Unchanging


Love isn't just plain Love

It comes in many different forms

Familiar Love, Romantic Love, Friendship Love and many more

But if you think about it

What is Love?

Is it just the affection you feel towards your partner?

Is it a mix of lust and adoration?

Is it just happiness you're feeling?

It isn't exactly defined but it's commonly known to be deep affection you feel towards someone

Whether it be towards your parents, partners or friends. It has many types

You enjoy their company

You understand each other's problems and issues

You care for that certain person

This is present in every form of love

Remember, dear Reader

Care for your parents

Since they won't live endlessly

Leon POV

Just as i opened my eyes, my sight got assaulted by a wide array of colors and forms, some undistinct and others easily distinguishable.

'Wait, why do i feel so wobbly and weak?'  As my eyes adjusted more to the sight around me i catched a glimpse of the person sitting before me. 

"Hey little Leon, i'm your mama." My mother said to me

'Mama?, waaait it's not possible... right?'

My supposed mother that is holding me right now in her... hands? She definitely doesn't look like my mother.

'Why does she look so big?' 

She looked to be young, having very dishevelled long blonde hair with streaks of white in it. Her eyes were blue with a scent of green.  She weared a dirty, gray top that  reached down to her ankle. The end of her top looked pretty torn up like it was never changed. On her whole body appear to be many wounds, from small to big. 'Why did she have those?'

Her face was curled up into a smile and it... felt so warm, so nostalgic.

'She had the same exact smile as my mom once had.' Without any control, i somehow felt my face muscles around the mouth area to turn up. 

"Nadia, come look. My little Leon just smiled!" My mom joyfully expressed, still smiling.

"Oh my god! He looks so chubby and sweet!" Nadia, the woman sitting beside my mother said.

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