1 | Second Encounter

Start from the beginning

I wanted to be in NASA, but I couldn't even get into college.
How pathetic. I didn't have anything to live for. Even my own 'family' left me one by one. My dad, cousins, my own sister... Heck! I can't even call her my sister.

What kind of shitty sister leaves her in critical position!?

my happiness is all gone, all I do is stay in this shitty hospital. Why can't I be normal? I asked again. What did I do so bad in my past life that I'm suffering so much here!?

I finally couldn't hold it in anymore, I let myself sob and let out all the tears, it felt good somehow, I suppose it's because I haven't been able to cry for the past month.

My lips quiver. I was tired of everything, even the simplest things like, waking up. I hated waking up knowing I wouldn't be able to do anything other then rotting in this bed. I hated opening my eyes. I hated realizing that I have to continue to live on this hell of a earth.

You can't switch chapters, that's not how life works. You have to read every line, meet every character. You won't enjoy all of it. Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks. You will read things you don't want to. You will have moments that you don't want to end. But you will have to keep going. Stories keep the world revolving. Live yours.

But it was different for me. All my pages were worn out.
The cover is tearing, the ink is fading.

Was it really worth for me to live?

The only thing I liked was sleeping, it made everything disappear. It was just me again in this room, it was sort of peaceful. Keyword: sort of.

Today was the same thing, I wake up, now I wait for the disgusting food to arrive. I sigh bitterly.

I hear the door creak open. I look up expecting to see the nurse holding my medicine and food, but except,

it wasn't.

My breath gets tangled in my throat. I feel my heart beating an unusual beat.

I tense up and I go even more pale. (if that was even possible.) My body froze as I quickly wiped my teary eyes that were stuck to my eyelashes. It was...


I mutter out just so quietly that it came out shaky and uneven. In a swift the boy looks up and his eyes shoot open.

I can feel myself being nauseous, my breath unstable.


The too-familiar boy said, scanning me. It really was, Jungwon. A boy from my old highschool but he wasn't just a random boy, he wasn't a bully, but he was the only one who stood up for me. He was the only one who helped me when my I was getting bullied.

He helped me when I was at my lowest point. God knows what would of have happened if he hadn't been there. I probably would of been dead.    

-Flash backs-

I panted hardly as I sat on the rainy, cold roof of the school. Dark, cold, blood dripping from my nose. I wiped my tears that were mixed up with the rain. I curl up and sniffled into my knees, comforting myself.

It hurt so fucking much.

Why? Why did they do it? I never did anything to them I just tried to live. Oh, because I'm ugly and pale, how is it affecting them in any way? If anything it affected me. I sob harder into my knees. I wipe my bloody nose and shut my eyes hard, wishing if I just squeezed them hard enough everything will disappear.

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