Kinemortophobia 2/2

Start from the beginning

Dehya announced, covering her eyes with her hands before closing the door shut

"Hm. Let's get to breakfast then" Al Haitham wore back his clothes, while Kaveh did the same.

They exchange glances, and Al Haitham smiled before leading Kaveh to the village


There, Al Haitham saw Dehya. She waved and gave Al Haitham and Kaveh a small meal with two water bottles for their trip. Al Haitham thanked his friend once again

"Thank you.. I'll see you some other time"

Dehya paid no attention and waved back, before Kaveh and Al Haitham continued their journey through the sand

Kaveh couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed as they were waved goodbye by Dehya. It felt like everybody could tell just what happened between him and Al Haitham.

Instead, Kaveh simply followed Al Haitham on their journey through the desert. He was still slightly shaking a little from being exposed for so long in the desert heat as well as the intense heat of the previous night. He still was a bit dizzy too, and he didn't really want to admit that...


It was mid afternoon, the sun was blazing on the two men. Kaveh was sweating so much from the heat while Al Haitham paid no attention. He decided to give kaveh his cape to cover himself

"We're almost there. Just a few hundreds of kilometres before we can reach Fonatine at the end of the desert"

It was clear that Kaveh was really struggling with the heat, his body was dripping in moisture and his face was red with heat. He was sweating so much that it even left dark stains on his clothes.

Oh god, I'm starting to feel so tired now, will I even actually make it?

"O-Okay, if you say we're almost there, I'll believe you... I just can't wait until we reach the destination..."

"The smile zombies should not be able to stand the desert heat.. I doubt it will follow us.."

Al Haitham mumbled to himself, taking a look at the map Dehya gave before taking quick looks at Kaveh's wellbeing

"R-Right... The heat should be enough to keep those... zombies away from us..."

You can do it kaveh...
He tried to keep his cool, literally, by trying not to focus too much on the heat and the effort of moving through the desert.

Archons, I hope I'm not going to faint. I would die of embarrassment if I fell to the ground.

Al Haitham stopped and looked back at Kaveh. A mix of concern and affection washed over him seeing his.. roommate? Lover? Al Haitham doesn't know, but he knows Kaveh can't keep this up

"Kaveh.. would you like to stop? Take a break under that tree"

Al Haitham suggested

The two men went under the tree and rested there. Al Haitham gave his remaining bottle of water to Kaveh, hoping it will help him

Kaveh took the water and gulped it down. His throat was extremely parched and the water felt like it was the nectar of the gods. It brought him back to life as he felt the cool water fill his stomach, washing down the heat that was causing him some much discomfort and the exhaustion.

"This water tastes wonderful..." Kaveh sighed as he sat back onto the roots of the tree.

The shade of the tree finally provided relief from the intense heat. This tree had never looked so appealing...

Kinemortophobia ✔ [Haikaveh] Where stories live. Discover now