Prologue: The last Sunset

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Elena Kim stood at the window of her once-beloved home, now a vault of memories both cherished and painful. As the sun dipped below Seoul's skyline, she was reminded of the times she and Jin-Ho had watched it together, their dreams and plans woven into the vibrant tapestry of dusk. Those days now seemed like echoes from a distant past, a past that was about to reach its inevitable conclusion.

The transformation of her home into a prison of memories was not sudden. It was a gradual process, marked by the increasing distance between her and Jin-Ho, and culminated in a bitter divorce that had played out like a public spectacle. Jin-Ho, armed with his influence and power, had emerged victorious, gaining custody of their two sons, Min-Jun and Hyun-Woo. The loss was a blow that struck at the very core of Elena's being, leaving her to grapple with the painful reality of her new life.

Haunted by the ghosts of what once was, Elena wandered through the rooms of her house. Each corner was a stark reminder of their life together. The smiling pictures that adorned the walls now seemed to mock her, a cruel reminder of a happiness that was no longer hers. The love that had once filled these rooms had been replaced by a suffocating emptiness, turning the house into a mausoleum of her shattered dreams.

Yet, amidst this desolation, the house served as a fortress of sorts, a last stand against Jin-Ho's total victory over her life. Her dowry, worth 3 million dollars in real estate, remained in her name – a testament to her once independent identity, now a bitter reminder of all that she had lost and what she had become.

As a storm brewed outside, mirroring the turmoil within her, Elena found a strange sense of calm. The tears she had shed over the past months seemed to resonate with the rain lashing against the windows. In this chaos, she found clarity. The resolve that had been simmering within her was now coming to a hardening point, much like the diamond ring she once wore proudly – a symbol of eternal love that had turned into a symbol of eternal betrayal.

Elena knew what she had to do. The following day, she would confront Jin-Ho for the last time. It wasn't just about seeking answers or closure; it was about facing the man who had shared her life, her dreams, and seeing if there was anything left of the man she once loved. What she sought was not just forgiveness or understanding, but a recognition of the pain he had caused, a validation of her suffering.

As the last rays of the sunset vanished, marking the end of the day, Elena stood at a precipice, both literal and metaphorical. She was acutely aware that the confrontation with Jin-Ho could well be the end of her – the end of her suffering, the end of the chapter of her life that was intertwined with his. Yet, in her heart, she knew that sometimes, endings were necessary for new beginnings.

In the quiet ticking of the clock, each second was a countdown to the final act of her tragic story. But Elena was determined to ensure that this ending, whatever it might hold, would be on her terms. For in the lessons life had taught her, she knew that sometimes, the end of one story was just the beginning

July 11, 2023, marked a night different from any other in Seoul. The city, usually buzzing with life, seemed to hold its breath under the weight of the impending storm. Elena Kim, standing before the mirror, barely recognized the reflection staring back at her. Time and sorrow had etched lines of pain across her face, and her eyes bore the burden of lost love and shattered dreams.

Determined, yet with a heart heavy with unspoken words, Elena left her house, embarking on a journey that felt both fateful and necessary. The rain-slick streets of Seoul reflected the neon lights, painting a picture of beauty tinged with melancholy – a perfect mirror of Elena's own journey.

She arrived at Jin-Ho's mansion, a place that once symbolized their shared success but now stood as a monument to his betrayal. The guard at the gate, recognizing her, let her in with a look that spoke volumes of pity and understanding. He knew, just as the whole city knew, the tale of their broken marriage.

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