Chapter 32: Finally!

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I got there and there was no sign of Tara. I tried to call her, but there was no response.

Tara was never this serious with work. Why this all of a sudden?

I was about to leave when a car pulled over in front of me. I was about to move and Sam walked out.

"Sam, what are you doing here?"

"Leo asked me to check up on you. He knew you'd come here" I rolled my eyes.

"What does he want?"

"Actually, he asked me to make sure you're safe but I have other things to talk about "

We found a quiet place to sit and....talked

"I know Leo might seem like an arrogant piece of shit sometimes " what a way to start
"But he was actually a great guy "

"Was?" I asked, confused.

"Yh....until his dad died. When he was fourteen "

"What? " I suddenly felt bad after what I said to him earlier.

" He believes the accident wasn't a mistake though and it really messed him up. His dad was on his way to him and had an accident on the way. He still partly blames himself "

" I don't know what to say " Sam let out a light chuckle.

"He doesn't let himself get too close to people with the fear that he'll cause trouble for them" I started to cry before I knew it. He's such a lonely a$$.

"The one time he let someone get close enough, she betrayed him. You might have met her. Lisa Mellark"

"That b!tch. I knew she was no good" he laughed making me realise I said that out loud.

"The point is, he didn't let anyone get too close Trust me We've known each other since we were like five. He cares about you, even if he might not show it"

"Where Is he?" I asked sam making him smile.

"I drove him home before coming here" he replied.

I stood up quickly and ran to the car.
I turned to him before entering.

"Thank you sam" I said with a smile.

I got home in no time.

I walked in and saw him at the dinning area. He was lost in thought and a bottle of alcohol was on the table.

"What are you doing?! I leave for Five seconds and you're drinking ?" I said as I approached him.

I was about to go get him some hangover medicine, but he pulled my hand, causing  me to sit on his lap. A gasp left my mouth.

"What are you-" He placed a light kiss on my lips.

"I'm sorry " he said and I couldn't speak.
I dont know if that was due to the fact that he kissed me or that he apologised.

"You must be really drunk " I finally said.

"I'm not. The bottle's not even open" I looked at the bottle. How did I  not notice that ?

"Oh, so you're not drunk " I said again as I faced him. My breath hitched at how intense his stare was.
"What's wrong?"

"I shouldn't have forced you to come. I didn't know. I should have known. I'm sorry" he should apologise to me more. Hearing it feels nice.

"I'm sorry too" he looked confused
"For what I said about you not knowing how I feel. Sam kinda told me"
He mustered 'filthy b@stard'

"I shouldn't have acted like only my problems mattered. I'm sorry" No words followed.

We looked into each others eyes till one of us started to lean in. His eyes moved to my lips and I nervously licked it.

"Fvck" he said and kissed me.

He bit my lower lip and I opened my mouth for him to have access. It was like our lips were meant to fit perfectly together.

He pulled away and kissed my forehead, before placing his forehead on mine.

"You're not drunk?" I said and he let out a chuckle.

"No" he said and I lifted my head. I was nervous and didn't know what to say.

"Huh?" I was even more shocked when he lifted me up in bridal style and made his way to our room" I let out a gasp

"What are you doing?" I said and hit him lightly 

He gently placed me on the bed, removed his shirt and slept next to me.
I gave him a look of confusion.

"What? Were you expecting more? Cause there are a lot of other ways we could spend our night" He moved closer and kissed me. It feels so good to be kissed by him.

I felt him tugging on my dress zip. I decided to tease him a little, so I pulled away.
"I have to change " I didn't give him a chance to reply before going into the closet.

It's safe to say my night was amazing. Really amazing. (Wink)

I'm sorry I haven't been updating.
I was encouraged by the addition of 6 reads🤯🤯I'm so happy!!!!!

Aotd: you have friends, check up on them!!! I'm giving you all an assignment.

Just ask a friend

"Hey. How are you?"

It goes a long way.
Just my advise though 😊
Have fun todayyyyyyy!!!!!!

As always, vote, comment, share.

Love, skai_os

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