Chapter 13: Phone calls

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      She told me to come in and I followed her she also offered Leo to come in

"Uhh.... Would you also like to come in? "

"There's no need for that. I have an important meeting to get to" Leo said, he's more polite to her than he is to me but I could tell by his body language that he didn't want to be here any longer.

" Oh...ok.  Good bye" it's like she acts nice around all rich people.  Ugh, annoying.

"I'll get going now" Leo said while looking at me " make sure you get something to eat"
Why....why......why the concern.
I responded by nodding and I walked into the house walking after Rya.

I didn't bother speaking to Rya after Leo left.  It was just a short walk to the front door.  When I entered I saw my father sitting on the couch and using his phone.  I passed by him and went straight to my room.

I realized I haven't spoken to Tara in a while, so I decided to call her.

"Heyyyyyyyy" Tara said in her bubbly voice

"What's the good news" I asked

"Not much.  I just got promoted!" Tara.  Promoted

"You lying" I said as I let out a laugh.  I still find it hard to believe that Tara got promoted.  She doesn't even care about what goes on at work most of the time, according to her.

"What do you mean bish" she said but not in a serious tone

"I, Tara, promoted.  I find that very hard to believe you know "

"Yeah and you should be happy for me, you know.  As my bestie" she said, faking a hurt tone.

" Yeah, you're right and I'm very happy for you" I said playing along

" Great" she said happily

" It's just so hard to believe"

" Mira!! " She practically screamed into my soul

" What? Ok, fine.  I'm really really happy for you.  So what are we doing to celebrate"

" I don't know.  You could treat me to dinner.  'Billionaire's wife' " she said in a tone I didn't like

" I knew this would happen.  Also I'm not married yet " I said trying to get her to stop talking about it but it's Tara

" When's the wedding, oh my goodness your dress and makeup, whose doing the makeup.  You need a lot of things " why do I feel like I'm not the one who's getting married but Tara. " Oh we need a maid of honor dress for me too and some ....."

" Hold up.  Who says you're my maid of honor " I said jokingly

" Uhh you realize I don't need to ask you for permission right? "

" Whatever.  Anyways I'm going for the fitting on Monday and you have to be there" I said

" Uhh, hello.  Monday's a work day I can't afford to get to work late or worse, not go at all " this is a changed Tara.  I guess this promotion really has an effect on her.

" Then ask for a leave or something.  You're my maid of honor after all sooo you kinda have to be there.  Please "

" Ok fine, I'll do it for you.  Annoying ass "

" You know you love me"

" You know I don't. I have to go now I'll call you tomorrow.  Byeeeee"

" Byeeeee " I cut the call smiling.  Tara always makes me smile.  I don't know what I would do without her honestly.

After the call, I went to bed and I didn't know when I drifted off to sleep.

Sh*t.  She's not here to pick me up yet and I'm late.
Yup, it's Monday and Tara isn't here yet.  I should be there by now but I'm not because of Tara.

I got a call from her while waiting in my room.

"I'm soo going to kill you" I said in annoyance

"I'm sorry Mira.  Work related emergency, I don't think I can make it" seriously!

"Wow, Tara.  Good bye"

" Wait wait Mira, I promise I'll make it up to you. Promise "

" Whatever.  What you have planned to make up for it better be extravagant" I said jokingly.  Of course I couldn't be mad at Tara.

" Alright Mira bye and I'm so sorry"

" Bye"
I don't have any money. 

I wish I had a job at times like these.  I can't use my father's cars. Their too expensive and any damage would be costly to fix and I obviously can't ask for a cheeper car.  So here I am now.

I guess I have no choice. 

"Hey, sorry to disturb you but could you come pick me up"

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