Chapter 18: "I love her because"

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We're at the dinning table now.  Leo's mum has been asking me some questions about my likes and dislikes.  Thankfully, nothing about my work life. 

She doesn't seem like one of those evil mother-in-law's in movies that offer the girls like a million dollars to leave her son.  At least not for now. 

I hate being put on the spot, but I've been fine so far.  It's comfortable being around her and she's funny as hell.  I might have broken a rib from laughing so hard.

I've been fine, but the next question she asked caught me completely off guard.

"So...what do you two love the most about each other" I started coughing 'cause I choked on what I was drinking.

" Mom" Leo said looking at her while she passed me a napkin.

"What?? It's just a harmless question.  Right Mira?" She asked looking at me and I nodded

"Alright, so you could definitely answer it.  Right? " She said exchanging glances with both of us.

"Mom" Leo said, His voice getting slightly louder

"Son"  she said, matching the pitch of Leo's voice.  You know, if I didn't know better, I would think they were siblings.  Who wouldn't.

"It's just a question.  I mean if you truly love each other, you would easily answer me" Leo let out a sigh before looking at me and raising an eyebrow.  I shrugged in response.

" Fine" WHAT!!?? He's going to talk, what am I going to say?

" I love everything about her.  Her smile, her excessive need to prove she's strong, when in reality, she's obviously not". He didn't need to add that, but ok.  " She's as fragile as glass.  She could break anytime and I don't know the reason, which is why I'm intrigued about her everytime we meet"

Did he just...he just...I'm screwed what am I supposed to say??

"And....yeah, I don't see myself with any other person.  When she breaks, I'll be here to piece her back together" again with the 'when' 😒 But I can't deny how nice that was to hear. 

I'm also trying to ignore how fast my heart is beating now.  I feel like it's about to jump out my chest.
"Awwn, Leo" Lana said.  As if waiting for me to talk, she looked at me with wide eyes with a smile plastered on her face.

I cleared my throat and said all I could think about from the bottom of my heart.

"He's handsome" her smile instantly dropped and a knowing smirk appeared on Leo's face as I said it.

"Is that all?" She asked in a doubtful tone.

"Uh...." I guess I'll have to what I think.  Unfortunately.  "He....he's the most arrogant, cold hearted and stubborn person I've ever met"

Like we exchanged positions, it was Leo's turn to choke on his drink.  His mom was still so calm as she waited for me to continue.  She even nodded her head in agreement and it took everything I had in me not to laugh.

"He may be all the bad things anyone could think of, but I love him because he makes me feel special.  Like I'm important.  Even if it's only sometimes.  I feel cared for when I'm around him, which I don't get to experience a lot" on hearing the last part, Leo looked at me with a confused experience on his face, like he was trying to figure out why I said that.

On the other hand, Lana was smiling ear to ear.  Just then, because life's never on my side, Lana got a call.

"I'll be back.  Enjoy the food" she said still smiling.  she's so beautiful.  Now I know where this jerk in front of me got his looks from.  Come to think of it.....where's his Dad?

"What's with the look?" He asked

"What look?"

"The look of constipation you have on your face right now" I take it back.  I take it all back.  All the nice things I said now, I take them back.  I didn't mean it

" Mind your business" I said as I glared at him before focusing on my food.

After a little while, Leo's mum came back.

" Alright.  I guess you guys are sleeping over" I looked at Leo immediately.

" No we're not" he quickly responded

" Well Bri is coming over and she wants to meet Mira, again, according to her.  The time is just 3.00p.m, she'll be here soon"

" Mira has to go home.  This isn't what we planned" he tried to convince her.

" Oh please.  She could just call her parents and inform them.  It's not hard" I tensed up.  It's not hard, of course it isn't.  Especially when you've just realized you don't have your father's or stepmum's number. 

Leo seems to notice that something is wrong.  He tried to say something else, but I stopped him by nodding.  It won't hurt to spend one night. Right?

"Fine" Leo said.  He was still looking at me, but his response was directed at Lana.  He looks like he's trying to figure out something.

"Great! Call Bri and tell her you're staying.  I'll go get the room you two will be staying in ready" oh no!  I take it back, it would hurt, it would kill me to spend one night.


Lana sure likes playing Cupid 😂😂

TBH if I had a mother-in-law, I would want it to be her.

It was so much fun writing this chapter.  I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

As always vote ⭐ share and comment on this chapter.  It would mean a lot to me.
Thank you for reading ❤️❤️

Love, skai_os

The Charming Princeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें