ch 9

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Ema's pov

I was standing little away from the school gate but can still her and see everything clearly. (Don't ask me how I can hear okk!)

After I left from there i see jun come and they both left. Aghh why does that minghao always come and ruin my plan.
Actually I was here when they both get married.


When I arrived at jun's house. I see his mom and dad sitting in the gardan in formal dress.

"Are they going somewhere?? If they are then I am on right time cuz if jun see me he will definitely force me to come with them!!"

I whisper and make my to them. As I go near them i hear them talking about.... Minghao???
Wait what!! Are they really buddies now.??

I put on a smile and go to them.

"Hey uncle! Hey aunty!!"

They both look at me and then at each other. And then jun's mom look at me and said

"Amm-- do we know you miss??"

W-What they didn't recognise me?? I put on a fake smile and and said

"Aunty i am Ema. Jun's childhood sweetheart. How can you forget me?"

"Ohh Ema!!!"

His mom laugh and look at her husband. Who was looking at me with blank expressions.

"Amm-- by the way where is jun?"

"Oh he is in his own house!"

What he has his own house?? Yess!! Now no one can make me away from me. In his house there will me and him. No one else.

"With minghao!!"


I said and look at them. They smile and said

"Yeah today was there marriage's party. We just come from there!!"

"Okk ! Then I gotta go now!! Byyee!!"

I said and run away from there irritatedly.

Flashback end

As I was glaring at their car they was long gone by now. I feel someone's hand on my shoulders. I look behind and see my friends they are my friends from japan. Emily and Lina.

"Now what will you do Ema?"

"I will take everything minghao loves one by one."

"But Ema you already kill his parents now what are you trying to do?"

Yes you heard it right. I kill his parents and make thing like it is an accident. But they were on my nerves. I knew when they were in their way to minghao and his laws. I put an car without any passanger in it infront of their car that was about to come on that way.and BOOOM they are gone.

"I will kill one of his friends."

They both gasp and look at me said


I smirk and said


He was acting like he was jun's boyfriend huh I'll kill him too.

With junhao

3rd person's pov

Jun stopped his car indro of their house and look at minghao. Just to see him sleeping peacefully. He cooed at him and get out of the car and go to minghao's side. open the door and pick him up in a bridal style and entered the house.

He entered their room and put him on bed and goes to take shower. He come back and minghao still sleeping. He sigh and took minghao's pajamas and changed his clothes.

After changing he goes downstairs and start to make dinner. After an hour it was ready. He check the time and see it's 8:13.

"Ohh god!! It's too late! I have to wake him up and make him eat dinner so he can take his medicine."

He said and goes to their room. As he see minghao still sleeping with one of jun's plushie in his arms. He go to minghao and caressed his hairs and said

"Haoo~~ wake up! It's time for breakfast!"

As he said that minghao opened his eyes slowly and look at jun and smile and said

"can you take me down I don't want to walk hyung!"

He said while pouting. Jun smile and pick him and come down and put him on a chair and serve him hao dinner. As he see minghao enjoying the food he said

"Is they good?"

"Yeahhh!! It's too good!"

After the dinner.

"Ahhhh!!! I am so full!"

Minghao said and grab his tummy. Jun look at him and smile. He bought some medicine near minghao's mouth. As minghao saw that he close his mouth and shook his head.

"Please eat it na it's just few."

Minghao see him and took his medicine and and gulped it down.

Jun smile and pick him up and left from there. As he come inside the room minghao get down from jun's arms and said

"Jun hyung!!"


"I have something to say to you!"

"What is it hao!"

"Hyung I love you."

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