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What do you think this Ema is?

Then let me tell you!!

Ema is jun's childhood sweetheart. Jun and Ema were neighbour. So Ema plays with him everyday.

One day minghao was in jun's house. And was playing with him and Ema didn't like so he make minghao cry and pushed him in the water. As he was close to jun. in other words she was jealous of minghao.

But then her parents have to move to Japan for their work. and she come back after 15 years.

After three days.

Now it was Thursday and minghao was getting ready for school and jun was making breakfast for them. During these 3 days jun is taking care of minghao nicely. And minghao is so happy
Sometimes they have their married couple moments. Where jun notice that everytime he is close to minghao minghao always blush and turned red and start to avoid situation.

Now minghao come down and sat at the chair and look at jun who serve him his breakfast and smile. Minghao smile back and thanked him.

"Anything for you hao!"

Minghao blush and continue to eat. After few mins jun asked him

"Are you ready for school? I mean you are going after almost week now."

"Yeah I am fine hyung!"

Minghao said and get up and took his and jun's plate and goes to sink to watch them.
He wash dishes and goes to his room and said to jun

"Let's go hyung"


Jun get up and take Minghao's bag and also his and make his way downstairs while minghao just follow him. after a few seconds jun start his car and left from there. They reach school and minghao get out of the car and wait for jun to come to him so he can take his bag from him. Jun come to him and said

"Let's go!"

"Hyung my bag?"

"Let me hold it."

Minghao nodded and continue to walk with jun beside him. After a few mins of walking minghao stopped and jun look at him confused.

"What happened hao? Does it hurts somewhere?"

"No but isn't already corridor where your classes are?"

Minghao said and jun look at his class and said


"Aren't you going to your class?"

"Yes I will after sending you to your class."

Minghao's heart flutter and he look at jun with surprise and

"Ohh o-ok"

Jun send minghao to his class and wave at him and smile. Minghao smiled and wave back. as jun left from there. Few girls come there and said

"Oppa!! Are you ok?"

"I heard you fainted?"

"If you need something I will not not only me but all of us will bring that okk!"

Minghao smile and nodded.

After class start teacher come and see minghao and said

"How are you feeling dear?"

"I am good Mrs.Han"

I forget to tell you that minghao is every teacher's favourite as he is topper of the class.

Teacher continue and said something that shock minghao.

"So students! We have a new student."

As minghao heard this he knew she will be Ema as his paa said that she will be in their school but he didn't accept her in his class.

"Come inside dear."

Ema entered class and all students goes silent. She smirk and look at minghao who rolled his eyes at her. She smiled and said

"Hello everyone!! I am Ema. I am from Korea but I have to move to Japan for some reason. So now I come back. Please treat me good."

Some of them smiled some work of them rolled their eyes as she was wearing so much make up. And 3 girls who was talking to minghao notice that she smirk at minghao and glared at her.

Now it was lunch time.

All 13 of them were sitting on table together with their boyfriends beside them. Minghao was sitting beside jun as jun brought his lunch tray with him
Minghao smiled and thanked him.
But suddenly They hear high pitch voice. minghao roll his eyes and look at where the voice come from and he see Ema coming towards them while calling jun

"Junnie~~~ where were you hug I was looking for you everywhere."

Jun smiled at her and said

"I was buying lunch for hao!"

As jun said that Ema look at minghao and said

"Oh! You are also here!!"

Minghao smile at her forcely and all of them saw it except jun and Ema. All of them understand that she is not very good.

"Ohh hey guys!! Meet her he is Ema!!"

"Heyy guys I am Ema jun's ex girlfriend."

Everyone look at jun with shock face except for minghao.

"You never told me about her Hui!!"

Said wonwoo and glared at him as jun and wonwoo were bestfriend forever. Jun scratch his Back and said

"Sorry woo!!"

Ema roll her eyes at wonwoo and all the bottom line and mingyu saw this and glared at her. As she roll her eyes at their bestfriend and boyfriend. Ema smiled nervously and left fro there after bidding jun bye. While jun was trying to calm down his bestfriend who was sulking at him.

After school

Minghao was standing near the gate waiting for jun as Jun told him to wait here. As he was standing there while looking at something in his phone but then someone took his phone and started at his phone. Minghao look and it was Ema.

"Yaaah!!! What are you doing give me my phone back!"

Minghao said and try to get his phone but Ema turned around so he can not took it from her. She notice that minghao was staring at their marriage photo.

"Awww! Minghao so you still love him after knowing that he doesn't even like you."

Ema said and smirked and said again

"Don't forgot that jun still love me not you!"

She said and hand him his phone and left from there. after she left jun come and they left for their home.

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