Roots That Run Deep

Start from the beginning

Guang knew that her words were truly from the bottom of her heart, and that she meant every word of it. Unfortunately, she was using too many formal words that halfway through, she lost him. Also, what is up with these people from the Black Lotus? Being the hero, was he not their greatest enemy? Why is everyone of them - even their elites, the Noble Truths - bowing before him and calling him their master?


Samudaya stormed over, looking a little embarrassed for himself, but still held himself bravely. Guang was practically following Samudaya with his eyes, but the latter refused to look in Guang's direction. While keeping an arm's distance from Magga, Samudaya justified, "We don't need to be punished - we were only sparring, and Master Guang was the one who started the-"

"Silence," Magga hushed, gentle like a whistling breeze. While her tone does not demand obedience, Samudaya pursed his lips as if it had been forcibly sewn shut.

Sensing tension in the air, Guang awkwardly got onto one knee and gently nudged Magga's elbow from below. "It's like he said, Magga. I started the fight, so the responsibility of the fight belongs to me. You can raise your head."

Out of the corners of his eyes, Guang saw Samudaya shooting him a weird look. Meanwhile, uncertainly, Magga lifted herself up with Guang's support. Even with Guang this close to her, her eyes remain closed.

"You can open your eyes as well," Guang reassured.

Magga paused for a fraction of a second, but ultimately shook her head. "If my Lord permits it, I prefer not to open them."

Once onto her feet, Magga bowed to him. "I thank my Lord for his kindness."

Guang chuckled, rubbing his neck. "It's nothing much. It's only natural to help someone up. It didn't sit well with me anyway, with you prostrating before your enemy. You should hold your head up high and face your enemy with courage!"

Magga frowned. "I thank my Lord for his wisdom and advice, but I can assure you, we are no enemy of yours."

Guang tilted his head. "But I'm the hero. You know, Hero Rayler's reincarnation? I'm prophesied to kill the demon king. Not that I want to, of course! If possible, I'd like us to settle our conflict peacefully."

Magga appeared more confused than him. "I am unfamiliar with Alca's history, so forgive me for my ignorance; I don't know who is this Hero Rayler you're talking about, or this demon king you're referring to."

Now this was difficult. How could they converse properly when they weren't even on the same page?

Sensing that the conversation is getting difficult, Magga proposed, "We can talk more in detail when we arrive at Naylen, where it is safer. I assume that my colleagues have informed you of our mission to escort you back to Naylen?"

While Guang had his doubts about Samudaya and Nirodha, Magga appeared more credible (and saner). Was it actually true that Sui requested his followers - the Noble Truths, no less - to escort him to Naylen?

Yuehua had offered the same thing, but it hadn't been on Sui's word (and she was downright scary). Now that it was actually by Sui's request, Guang felt more reassured that it was safe. To be frank, it was an incredibly tempting offer. Firstly, he would get free, powerful bodyguards. Secondly, going to Naylen, he could probably meet up with the Princess of Naylen, Yuehua, more easily and in turn, get the ruby she possessed. Lastly, something he doesn't want to admit to anyone, not even to Jin, was that he wanted to meet Sui again. However, despite all the pretty reasons he should cooperate with the Noble Truths...

"They did," Guang answered honestly.

Magga lowered her head a little. Was that a nod? "If that's so, we can leave whenever you wish, Master Guang."

"About that, I can't go with you guys."

Magga tensed, as if she hadn't been expecting that at all. Once she recollected herself, she insisted with urgency, "Master Guang, please reconsider this. It's extremely important that we bring you back to Naylen right now. The situation has gotten worse, and only in Naylen, can we and Master Sui offer you our utmost protection."

"I'm sorry, but I can't go to Naylen," Guang said firmly. "At least, not now. I will, one day, but that day is not today."

There were still things he needed to do in Alca. If he suddenly disappeared on Jin and Valerie like that, it may only cause more trouble for them. Ah, the temptation to accept their offer though! No, Guang, you must stick with your decision! It's only embarrassing now if you go back on your word!

Magga wilted like a flower. Sadly, she said, "If that is ultimately your wish, Master Guang, we will not force you to come with us. We shall patiently wait for your grandiose arrival. When you do, we will welcome you with open arms. Now, if you may, we shall excuse ourselves. Samudaya, Nirodha, we're leaving."

Tapping her staff on the ground, a drop of water appeared in mid-air. Stirring and expanding, the drop of water eventually became a standing, whirling ring. Through that whirling ring of water, what Guang saw ahead was not Verdant Street, but a completely different location. Ocean blue walls stretched along a magnificent hallway. Tall orange pillars upheld the ceiling, which was reflected in the shiny surface of the marble floors. The entire scenery rippled with flowing light, as if it was underwater. Was this a portal?

Nirodha appeared out of nowhere, nearly scaring Guang's soul out of his body. With how quiet the man had been this entire time, Guang had forgotten he was there in the first place. Wordlessly, with a curt bow at Guang, Nirodha entered the ring of water.

When Magga saw that Samudaya was not moving, she turned to him and frowned. "Samudaya, we're leaving."

"Are we seriously just leaving empty-handed?" Samudaya grumbled like a pouting child.

"Just as we respect Master Sui's wishes, we must respect Master Guang's. Besides, Master Guang has a point. Return first, and we can discuss this later."

Samudaya sighed. "Alright."

Magga entered the portal, leaving just Samudaya and Guang in the silent, empty street. The portal was still there, so Guang was wondering what Samudaya was waiting for. When a couple seconds passed with nothing happening, Guang was about to speak up when suddenly, Samudaya turned towards him.

"My gender is often mistakened, so I don't take any offence, but just so we're clear, I'm a woman."

"A-ah." Guang was totally taken aback. He totally had the impression that Samudaya was a guy. That must be why Samudaya shot Guang a weird look when he referred to Samudaya as a 'he'. "My bad. I'll keep it in mind next time. It was great sparring with you, Samudaya."

Samudaya smiled. Not a crazed one this time - this one was small and soft, so unlike the Samudaya Guang was fighting moments ago. "See you later, kid."

And with that, Samudaya stepped into the portal. The whirling ring of water closed in on itself, leaving nothing but a small drop of water that melted into the ground.

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