Final Chapter - Japanese Celgaia

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The agenda of the Nine Countries Leadership Conference shifted to post-war processing. First on the agenda was the disposal of the spoils – the six captured Gra Valkan ships.

Japan's Foreign Minister spoke at the beginning. "Our country considers it sufficient to have one battleship and one aircraft carrier for investigation purposes."

This statement was surprisingly received by other nations. In fact, Japan was the one that captured them. It wouldn't be unreasonable for them to claim all ownership. In fact, the Foreign Minister had received instructions from the home country. Kondō had urged him to issue instructions to the home country.

"As for the remaining four ships, how about deciding through negotiations between the parties involved?"

No one raised objections to this. Moriaul then spoke. "Our country is a landlocked nation, and we have no interest in ships. However, in preparation for future conflicts with the Gra Valkas Empire or the Ravernal Empire, we would like to confirm if a wind dragon can land on an aircraft carrier. If the opportunity for that is guaranteed, we won't insist on ownership."

There were no objections to this either. Thus, it became essentially a competition between the two major powers. It was quickly agreed that the four ships would be divided between the Holy Mirishial Empire and Mu. The major focus was on which country would take the only battleship left.

After the exchange between the two nations, Japan's Foreign Minister spoke again.

"It seems that we won't reach a conclusion with just the two countries discussing. How about hearing the opinions of other involved nations here?"

At this point, the representative of the Magicaraich Community spoke. "We believe that it would be more appropriate for the Mu nation, with its mechanical civilization, to conduct the investigation."

The Holy Mirishial Empire was surprised by this. Furthermore, the Nigrat Union declared support for Mu.

At this point, Liage understood. Mu had likely consolidated votes in the Second Civilization Area. But that wasn't a concern. Representatives from the First Civilization Area, the Kingdom of Torquia, and the Kingdom of Agartha were present. However, Liage had forgotten. The Holy Mirishial Empire hadn't even consolidated votes. Both countries had declared a neutral stance. The Great Magearchy of Pandora in the Third Civilization Area supported Mu. Although the Nine Countries Leadership Conference was not a majority vote, the result was now determined. Diplomat Liage maintained a poker face throughout, but internally, he was boiling with frustration. The prestige of the Holy Mirishial Empire had fallen. Losing in combat was what it meant.

In contrast, Japan's Foreign Minister was smiling. He thought that if they could use the captured ships, there was no other option but the mechanical civilization of Mu. But the main theme was yet to come – Fleet-Class Anti-Air Annihilation Magic and guided magic bullets.

Japan's Foreign Minister spoke. "First and foremost, it's essential to understand that the export of weapons and technology involves national security. Weapons effective against the ancient sorcerous empire are also effective against humans."

Everyone agreed with this.

"Therefore, to provide weapons and technology, we need to establish diplomatic relations. For countries that haven't established diplomatic relations yet, we would like them to send envoys to our country for that purpose. We always have the doors of negotiation open."

Japanese Foreign Ministry saw this as an opportunity for diplomatic expansion. While they had established relations with many countries in the Third Civilization Area, the First and Second Areas were largely untouched, excluding the major powers.

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