chapter 9: rescue mission part 3(LizzyxVxJ)

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Requested by: Blue34719



Nothing but Darkness was all she could see

She took a few steps ahead, as little fragments of the past began to take form around her. A long corridor decorated with lamps, vases with flowers and other plants, and paintings of various members of the Elliot family. The timid worker maid worked her way through the manor, a silver tray with empty wine glasses resting on top of it as she walked through the corridor. Her mind seemed to be lost in thought, which also would lead to another down fall like the previous day as she turned and suddenly tripped over a crease in the carpet. Making her lose balance as she fell.


The worker fell to the floor with a yelp, as the Glasses she was holding just seconds ago hit and shattered in various pieces onto the floor. As the maid got up, she looked at the broken glasses and panicked, this was the last thing she needed after what happened yesterday. She didn't want to be locked in the basement or worse, she didn't want to! But that's when she heard footsteps approaching-("no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!")-the worker maid panicked as the footsteps got closer, she was expecting one of the Elliot family or even James Elliot himself to approach and yell at her. She braced herself...

J: "you okay?"

The maid then opened her eyes to see a hand in front of her, as she looked up at her coworker J, Who was holding her hand out for her to take. She ended up taking it and pulled herself up, before looking back at J.

"y-yeah, I'm fine..."

J was about to say something else when they both heard another set of footsteps approaching, as a boy then came in the room. Both J and the girl had different reactions to him showing up, the maids expression softening as J let out an annoyed groan.

N: "hm? What happened here-

J: "shut up bozo! It's none of your business"


N: "ah-well I could help clean this mess up if you want"

J: "no, we got it covered"

This was a daily occurrence that she had to deal with, almost like deja vu, as she then turned to the doorway N had just came in from. And her expression went from worried to absolutely terrified.

"uhh guys...?"

J: "I don't care N!"

N: "but what if you or V get in trouble again? I could do something to hel-


Both J and N turned to face her, before Tracing her eyes and looking at the direction she was looking at. Their expressions are the same as her as they saw James Elliot standing right there, glaring at the three with complete and utter hatred in his eyes. J unknowingly to both of them got in front of her, as N was currently thinking of various excuses or anything to get them out of trouble this time! As James just glared at them before speaking with an unamused and annoyed tone.

James Elliot: "do I have to have all three of you thrown I!?"

All three shook their heads no in response, with N and here giving a noticeable flinch as J tried to keep it together. But that's when James eyes went to the broken glasses and tray that were still on the ground, as he just got more pissed off.

James Elliot: "who did this?"

J: "uh-

James Elliot: "who, did this!? Don't make me ask again!"

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