not relevant but it's comedy, so whatever

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(Lizzy was just on her way to Dolls living quarters, like any other day the two would spend together. She finally arrived at her living quarters and grabbed the spare key card Doll had given her a while back, she walked in and looked around a bit)

"Doll, Doll where are you?"

(She said looking around, then she paused, as soon as she saw..a random worker drone dead on the ground!)

"Ah! What the hell!?"

(At this time, Doll was walking out of the bathroom after taking a quick shower. She looked over at Lizzy and paused, as Lizzy looked back at her)

"Doll! There's a dead worker drone in your living room!"

"Oh! Hey,'d he get here?"

(Doll was trying to play it off as if she wasn't the one who killed him with ABS. But Lizzy knew better than that)

"Doll, what did you do!?"

"Me!? I didn't do this!"

"Explain what the hell happened doll!"

"I've never seen him before in my life"

"Why on copper 9 did you kill this drone Doll!?"

"I do not kill drones, t-that is my least favorite thing to do"

"Tell me Doll, exactly what you were doing before I got here"

(Doll was trying to think of a good excuse for what was going on, then she got it)

"Alright well, I was uhh..upstairs"


"Just Sitting In my room"


"Reading a book, and then this guy walked in"


"So I went over to him and I uhh...I stabbed him 37 times in the chest"

(Lizzy paused, just looking back at Doll with a blank expression)

"Doll! That kills people!"

"Oh! I, I didn't know that"

"How could you not know that!?"

"Yeah I can see I'm in the wrong here, I'm terrible"

(Lizzy looked at Doll, then back at the body. Then noticed that it's hands were missing)

"What happened to his hands"

"What's that?"

"His hands what-why are they missing?"

"Oh well I uh...kinda, ripped them off, and ate them"



"Ah- well I was hungry and you know, uh-when you crave worker drones"

"Why on copper 9 would you do that!?"

"I was just hungry, give me a break"


"Look, I was just starving and about to overheat, that only worker drones would satisfy"

"What the hell is wrong with you Doll!"

"Uhh..well I uh, I eat people, and have the absolutely solver. That's two things"

(Yup, just have this while I work on chapter 2)

Murder Drones Oneshots/Stories (YURI EDITION)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن