chapter 7: rescue mission: part 1(LizzyxVxJ)

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Disclaimer: now before anyone says anything, I just felt like putting some verioty into my oneshots. And also felt like putting one of my Headcanons in for EP 7 lol, but anyways. Enjoy the read!


It was a dark, cold night on copper 9.....well, that's not really surprising since it's always been that way. Thanks to those dumbass humans that basically destroyed the planet, but at least the humans of JCjenson are more intelligent than those idiots. J gave good respect and credit to them for that. As the squad leader sat alone in Tessa's space shuttle, waiting for her boss, V, and those two lovesick idiots N and that purple toaster. As she was chilling in the swivel chair, her mind started to wander to the basic things she would think of, company policies...being a high rank...and being the most respected Disassembly drone in the whole company....then, her mind went to V. J didn't know why but she had always had a somewhat fondness of her psychotic coworker, with her large kill counts and how she wouldn't waste a second to rip one of those useless toasters apart. It was always respected, slightly unnerving, cute-i mean, well skilled to the squad leader. But...the more J's mind would think about V, the more she felt...warm and, fuzzy? Why the hell was J feeling fuzzy, was it a virus? Or maybe she was just hungry. Then suddenly by some random coincidence....J suddenly heard the faint sound of footsteps outside of the shuttle.


It was just like any other day-or night for the pink cheerleader, as lizzy would sneak out often to hang with V whenever others weren't looking, or if it was just Ron guarding the main door. That guy was always too easily trusting sometimes. Plus it didn't help much that Thad had given her the freaks "sick as hell rail gun" to return to the purple psycho. Liz could've just left the thing somewhere, but she had no choice but to bring it. As lizzy was on her way to the corpse spire while listening to her Spotify playlist, she couldn't help but let her mind wander a bit. Thinking about stuff like school...her friends who ended up dying unfortunately...or even any traces of where Doll could be...then, her mind started to wander to V. She honestly didn't know why or how V became her new bestie, I mean at first it was just Dolls plan on using Liz as bait for the crazy Disassembly drone to be lured in and be killed at the prom. But that's when they started to hang out more, and more, heck V even saved her life from that crazy purple freak at camp! Not in those words but, Still it was pretty much obvious. But as Lizzy started to get lost in thought, it seemed like she wasn't looking where she was going, as Lizzy then suddenly hit her head on something metal in front of her.

Lizzy: "agh! Son of a-...ugghhh..!"

Lizzy groaned as she rubbed her vizor in slight pain, what the hell did she just hit? Lizzy then looked back at what hit her with a hint of annoyance, which then turned into slight surprise and confusion when she saw a big ass space shuttle. "What the hell? did this thing get here??" Lizzy thought to herself, as she then started to look around the shuttle. But as her eyes set on the hatch on top, Lizzy suddenly saw something bust through the hatch and land on the snow beside her. Causing Lizzy to stumble back and fall to the floor. Lizzy was terrified for a second until she remembered she had the railgun! As lizzy saw the large figure approach her quickly, she immediately grabbed the gun and pointed it at the J suddenly stopped in her tracks. Just inches away from Lizzy with her claw blades unsheathed.

Lizzy: "get back! I-

J: "aahhh get that damn thing away from me!"

Said J as she took a few steps back, she wasn't sure why but seeing that damn gun, the same gun that purple toaster used to kill her. It made her freeze for some reason. While Lizzy, who was still on the ground unnerved. Now felt slight confusion, was this murder drone afraid of a simple railgun? Or better yet-wasn't this the same murder bot that the freak killed back at the colony bunker? How TF was she still alive?? Lizzy didn't know, she just simply lowered the railgun and looked back at J with utter confusion

Lizzy: "hold on....aren't you that one drone the purple freak killed? The one with the terrible monologue"

Said Lizzy with a slight unamused tone, as J then gave a slight huff of annoyance. Sheathing her claw blades back at crossing her arms as Lizzy just got up from the ground.

J: "effective Disassembly drones like me, have more than one copy. And fyi, you wouldn't understand a good monologue if your life depended on it"

Lizzy: "seriously?? Look I really don't have time for this right now, I'm already gonna go meet up with V. So-

Before Lizzy could even finish that sentence, she suddenly felt a large blade against her neck. Making her stop in her tracks as J just looked back at her with a more menacing and annoyed look.

J: "hold on! how the hell, do you know V?"

Lizzy: "gh-cause she's my bestie, moron! Now get the hell away from me!"

Ok now J was getting annoyed with this toaster, as she was already thinking about killing her. But she still wanted to know how Lizzy knew V in the first place, or how she's this worker drones "best friend" she assumed that V would've just been saving this drone to eat later, but that was starting to not be the case. As lizzy was about to walk away after picking up the railgun, J immediately stopped her by wrapping her tail around her before she could walk past. Pulling her back to stare back at her with the same expression.

Lizzy: "ah-hey!"

J: "look, V isn't even at the corpse spire, so why don't you just go back to that little bunker before I-

Lizzy: "hold on, V's not there? Where is she then?

Lizzy gave off some slight confusion after hearing that V wasn't even there at the spire, but she also didn't want to go back to the colony. As she tried to squirm around in J's tail grip, J just looked back at her with a slight shrug. Still having that same unamused expression on her face.

J: "she's with my boss and those useless idiots at some facility, and apparently they've been gone for at least an hour now"

Lizzy: "an hour? And you didn't even bother to go check on them?"

J: "no, I was giving orders to stand by and guard this shuttle"

Lizzy just looked back at her with straight unamusement, like how do you just not go and check if your boss and squad mates aren't dead or not, just because you were told to watch a shuttle? J just looked back at lizzy with the same expression as Lizzy stared back at her, but after a while she just started walking again. Or at least tried to consider how J's tail was still wrapped around her like a snake.

J: "woah woah woah, where'd you think you're going?"

Lizzy: "what-isn't it obvious? Imma go check on V"

J: "are you serious? You realize that you might end up dying just because you wanted to "check on her", right? Exactly my point"

Lizzy: "don't really know, and don't even care. I'm still going"

Robo-Jessus how is this worker drone being so stupid! J was already trying to get her to go back to the colony, but no, she just had to go and risk it to check on V.....but honestly. It could be at least worth trying if they hadn't blasted the whole place yet, but that would mean J was disobeying orders. But it would also mean that she would also be making sure that V, Tessa, and...those idiots were still perfectly fine.

Lizzy: "so, are you gonna at least come with? Or are you just gonna not let me go."

J: ".........."


So I don't really know when I'll be making any more chapters at the moment, but I could promise that part two might come out around next month.

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