
20 3 2

i painted my nails cinnamon red,

but they chipped by the

end of the day.

mascara clumps my invisible

lashes together, and leaves

unreadable marks on my eyelids.

my hair frizzes and poofs

and is immune to heat,

so instead, my cheeks get

pink and sweaty.

why is it that whenever I try

to look good, i feel

like I'm playing dress up?

pretending to be a princess,

a mermaid, pretty.

like I never grew up, like

I'm already too old to be

putting on short dresses

and throwing blush

on frownlined cheeks.

I cannot even fathom

the idea of being born


but oh, how the other

girls live so effortlessly.

they have no eyebags

even though they must get

up earlier than the sun

to have such perfect hair.

no wrinkles in their

shirts or skin.

the perfect outfits.

the perfect personality.

the perfect mix of sharpness

and gentleness that can only

come from the perfect girl.

perfect, perfect, perfect.

something I reach for

like a kid does the end of

a rainbow.

maybe gold dust will suit my

eyelids more.

maybe blonde hair

would lighten up my


maybe eating less

would make someone

want to grab my waist,

hold my hand,

tell me that I

deserve to be loved.

maybe I should

repaint my nails.


the evening i'll stay (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now