
47 11 11

throw a stick into the river,

and watch as the water makes it

it's own.

squint until it rounds a curve and know

that you'll never find it again.

know that one day

every bit of

your touch will

erode away, like

neither of you ever existed.

know that you should move on anyway,

and know


I can't.

I try to come up with metaphors

to give it to you beautifully,

but 'i still want you' stands uncovered,

unafraid at the tip of my tongue.

'I still do!

I still do!

I still do!'

leaps from the rocks

in my throat

like a kid, like a hero,

like a hope,

and falls, softly,

into cold water.

like a moment, like a daydream, like

a stick, I float around a bend

and know that I will

be forgotten.

throw me into the river

and watch as i empty my pockets

for coins to wish on

or stones to skip

or anything that could

keep me still on the shore,

with you.


(what do yall think of this one? anything I could change? <3)

the evening i'll stay (poetry)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat