"Damn, look at her."

Then disappears into the house for ten minutes. Draw your own conclusion. Upon returning my dad says, 

"Johnny look at the chick now, she is in a dress and is wearing makeup!"

Strike two. My father has one more bullshit comment I can tolerate before he reaches his word count. I say, 

"She wears makeup in the shop too, dad."

I am so angry, when that bitch wears a dress, it's 'oh look at that how cute.' When I wear a dress (and a casual one at that, not an evening gown or anything crazy) it's,

"You look like your trying too hard."

I am still heated and the show is wrapping up. The car guys are trying to sell a green Ferrari (looks so ugly, it's neon green) and the car has a giant metal sign attached to it with the car shop's name. My father says,

"That's so annoying, putting a name plaque on the car like that. It reminds me of when women wear a necklace with their name on it."

Strike three fucktard. Always with the judging of what women wear, but all you wear is shit shirts and cargo shorts. To avoid making a scene, I stand up and leave quietly. I text my father that I was going to get dog food for Sunflower. I admit I cried a little in the car. 

I am never going to get my freedom back. I used to live in Florida, in my own apartment. I had my own rules, I could stay out if I wanted, I could stay in too. I had the choice to decide what to do with my time. Now, I am policed down to what I wear. I long for a day where I can wear what I want, and not give a single fuck what my father says. Even when I work up the courage to do that, he will probably just alter plans so I am not over there with Jared all dressed up. 

My father doesn't suspect there is anything going on anymore, but I know he isnt stupid about it either. I have to walk the line of subtle, classy, and sexy. I want to look nice and build a reputation for myself that I dress classy even when standing in a garage. That's the woman I am. Fuck the thought that says it's for Jared or John. It's for me, it's so I have the confidence to be myself. Lord knows that shit has been hard to do lately. 

Jared texts me almost everyday, which is great, but I get so flustered and panicky on what to respond. Read the brain dead shit I've been peddling to this poor man. I'm gonna start with the day I left angry to go get dog food.

Monday 5:31pm

J: Why are you in a sour mood

M: I'm sorry I don't mean to be. I don't wanna bring anybody down. im just tired today

J: Ok. Well you arent bringing anyone down I want you to have fun and be happy

M: i appreciate that. im trying to be. im losing my resolve to weather my dad's comments. he just has something negative to say about most of the shit i do lately

J: Wanna know why?

M: why?

J: Because he is your dad. We are supposed to look after you. Just needs to find a little better way to convey it.

I walked back through the gate to Jared's house at this point and went inside to use the bathroom. 

J: Where did you go

M: bathroom haha im coming back just had to pee *sidewayz laughing emoji

J: Oh. Thought you left. Lol

M: i understand he wants to protect me, that's what makes it so ironic. it's not always about protecting me though, it's complicated haha

M: no ofc not, hanging out with u makes california bearable *laughing emoji x2

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