~That Dreaded Night~ (HH)

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So this is a story of Tilly and her death.

A young lady in her early 20s sat inside the wagonette hearing the clacking of the hooves of the two horses that pulled the carriage forward. It was a rather warm night in 1800s England and resulted in the woman to fan herself with her hand fan. "It is rather warm outside." She stated as she continued fanning herself. Suddenly the carriage came to a stop, the wagonettes door opened letting the young woman out. "Was your ride here satisfying Lady Knights?" The man asked her as both her feet stepped onto the sidewalk. "Oh yes." The lady replied tapping her right cheek with her hand fan.

Inside the house a middle aged woman was in the kitchen preparing some food, she saw that the young lady had entered the home. With a warm and kind smile she turned her attention to the lady. "Ah, Matilda, hello." "Good evening. Agnes." She greeted the woman taking a seat on the love seat in the sitting room. Agnes came into the room holding a tray with two tea cups and a tea pot along with a small sugar bowl covered with a lid, two small jugs of milk and a small plate of cucumber finger sandwiches.

"You have arrived in time, I have just prepared some tea and finger sandwiches." Agnes said as she set the tray down on the small table in front of Matilda, Agnes took the love seat next to her and pickrd up the tea pot. "Please do tell me about your day." She says as she started to pour the tea into one of the cups. The two ladies talked for a while sipping on some tea and eating the cucumber finger sandwiches.


Matilda sat up in her bed with her hands together. "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. And if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen." She blew out the candle next to her on the nightstand and laid her head on the pillow and drifted off to sleep. She thought about her day and smiled a bit at the thought and wondered if the next day would be just as pleasant as today. Little did she know that a 'bounty' had been placed upon her head.


A mercenary from an unknown place watched from the bedroom window, his dark eyes focused on the lady sleeping deeply in the bed. He looked down at the small poster he had in his hands. It read...

Female in her early 20s
Light blonde hair waist length
Ice blue eyes
Ballet dancer

"This must be my target..." he whispered to himself, he folded the poster and placed it into his pocket. His hand then went to a small dagger that was on his belt. He looked back and looked through the window, the lady was still fast asleep. But then she started to shift a little and sat up, the man ducked so she wouldn't see him.

Inside the bedroom, Matilda sat up in her bed and looked around. She felt like she was being watched. She got out of bed, grabbed the small candle next to her and lit it so she could see. She scanned the room with the help of the candle's flame but she saw nothing. But deep down she still felt like she was being watched. She exited her bedroom and into the hallway down to the sitting room. "Maybe some nice hot tea will ease my terrors..." she spoke quietly and softly to herself.


The man outside heard shuffling inside the room, he glanced up at the window to see that she was gone. He thought that now was his chance to enter the house through the window. He quickly but quietly got himself inside no problem, he looked around the room seeing the interior of the young lady's bedroom. Suddenly, he heard more shuffling coming closer, he hid himself in the darkest corner of the room and then entered his target. A cup of warm tea in one hand and a candle in the other. She set down the cup and candle on the bedside table.

Suddenly, a gloved hand covered her mouth from behind her. Her eyes widened as she gasped underneath the assailant's palm. A low dark chuckling sound came from behind her right shoulder, she froze and felt her heart beat faster.

"Love, if you tense up one more time, my blade will pierce that precious little heart of yours." The man growled making Matilda shiver in fear.  Tears pricked her eyes as they began to roll down her pale face. The man behind her scoffs at this and raises his dagger. "I have tried to warn you darling..."

The dagger then plunged into Matilda's chest, her eyes widened as he body tensed up more. Her screams muffled from the man's palm as he kept impaling the blade in her chest over and over again. Blood escaped the open wounds, and soon enough Matilda could taste that same metallic and warm liquid which then fell from her mouth onto the man's hand. Some blood escaped from the cracks between his fingers and dripped onto her nightgown. Matilda knew at this point that she would die, she felt her eyes getting heavy, threatening to close for death's permanent slumber. She let her eyes shut, she stopped resisting and she stopped breathing. She was dead.


Matilda's spirit rose to Heaven and found herself wearing the same outfit she wore to her first ballet performance. For years she stayed in Heaven, but something happened that led her to Hell. It is not known what she has done but she had became a fallen angel with black angel wings and a broken halo above her head. Thinking back to that dreaded night gives her anxiety and surely, she will meet her killer in Hell.

The end!

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