After about 7 minutes, Aj's first successful pancake was born. He made two more in somewhat circular shapes. He had just about enough to pour out one last, maybe smaller pancake onto the pan. By this time it was 9:47. Aj had stacked three pancakes on top of each other and grabbed the other half of chocolate and started cutting it up too for toppings. Eyes up on the pancake, checking whether it was ready to flip, Aj sliced his finger open. "UGH, FUCK!" Aj screamed. He ran to the tap, dripping blood as he went. He ran cold water under his finger.

"Shit it stings!" Blood ran down the sink endlessly. "Fuck.. burns.." Aj's eyes started to water up in pain "Don't be no pussy, Aj" Aj genuinely laughed.

Aj sniffed the air. "Oh fuck, speaking of burnt!" He pulled out a bunch of tissue, wrapping it around his finger, letting the roll drop and unravel on the floor. He ran to the pancake on the pan and quickly saw it was a lost cause. "No!" Aj turned the flame of, flipped the pancake and saw its completely burnt, charcoal like texture. "Aw..."

As if the world was mocking Aj, telling him he shouldn't be a chef, the fire alarm went off.

"Oh yeah, tell me something I don't know!" He screamed

The blood dripped out from the tissue, leaking to the floor. "Shut up! You're going to wake up Niko!" He climbed on top of the kitchen counter, hand aching, and pressed the button on the alarm in attempts to turn it off before Niko heard.

Aj's efforts proved in vain as Niko's footsteps were heard coming into the kitchen.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Niko asked, confused

"Fuck. Hi Niko. Uh... So listen, here's the thing. Uh.." Aj was standing on the table, and somehow he only managed to be about 3 inches taller than Niko.

"Are you bleeding?!" Niko asked, concerned

"yeah but that's nothing. I'm trying to figure out how to turn this stupid alarm off" Aj went back to the button.

"Aj come here, now"  Niko said sternly

"Yeah I'll be right there" Aj started dripping the blood on his finger down to his face and clothes as it was up in the air.

"Aj. Now." Niko was calm with his words but it scared Aj.

Miraculously, the alarm finally stopped beeping and Aj hopped off the table and nervously over to Niko.

"Hi.." Aj smiled

"Sit over here" Niko pulled out a chair and went into one of the kitchen cupboards. He pulled out a medical kit, picked out 2 large plasters and grabbed some tissue from the roll laid out onto the floor.

Niko was way too calm and Aj didn't like it. He was scared about what Niko was going to say to him. Niko put his hand out in front of him, asking for Aj's hand. Aj, knowing it was best not to argue, placed his hand in Niko's. He wiped all the blood on Aj's hand off and around his finger. He then rolled the tissue around his finger and squeezed it.
"Press that there. Tight" Niko told him as Niko started to work with the plaster in his hand.

Aj hated this. He was meant to be the one making Niko feel better, but now the first thing he's had to do when he wakes up is take care of Aj's irresponsible ass. Niko peeled one of the plasters off and stuck it around the cut on Aj's finger. Soon, the other one followed, lightly stuck on, making sure blood flow could still get to his finger.

Niko sighed. Aj stared at him. "Thanks"

"What time did you wake up?" Niko asked




"I'm sorry." It was 2 words but so hard for Aj to say

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