Chapter 5

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Well, I hope you like this chapter. 

Read on! XOXO,

Lea V.


Nico did not like his current situation. In an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar, funny looking people, who all stared at him with different emotions.

The large one a long white beard and white hair was eyeing him with bright eyes and slight excitement, while the large six foot Bunny was sending him glares and warning glances. Then there was the bright feather human hummingbird…thing that was smiling so brightly at him he was disturbed, while behind her a stout man Nico recognised as the Sandman was giving him a golden thumbs up. Then there was Jack Frost who was munching on a cookie, looking slightly disinterested.

 "I am Nicolas St. North; but you can call me North," the man smiled at him.

 "Santa Clause is Russian, who knew?" Nico said sarcastically as he put his hilt of the sword into the ground and leant on it slightly. If that man was Santa then this would have to be his workshop, guessing from the overabundance of Christmas decorations and toys.

 "I get that a lot," he stepped forward, "who are you?"

 "Nico," he answered simply.

 "We know that much, ya gumby," the Australian Bunny answered, "what's yer last name?"

 "Why are you Australian? Aren't bunny's an introduced species?" Nico let his tongue slip.

 "What you trying to say-"

 "My last names Di Angelo," Nico swiveled his gaze back to North, "what of it?"

 "Well, Nico Di Angelo-" the man's Russian accent slaughtered the pronunciation of the Italian surname so much that Nico winced a little, "-you have been chosen!"

 Nico shuddered internally at the choice of the word.

 "For what?" his face was blank as he answered.

 "To be Guardian!" North boomed like it was some big affair, "I would have trumpets but elves refuse to do it again."

 "No," Nico didn't even think about it.

 The multi-coloured women flew forward so fast that on instinct Nico raised his sword. She stopped short just of the point and rested two fingers on the flat of the blade as she pushed it away. It didn't go unnoticed by Nico how she rubbed her fingers in an attempt to warm them up afterwards.

 "You haven't even heard us out;" her voice was sweet and warm, "the Man in the Moon chose you to become a Guardian so that you can help us save the children."

 "The last time the Man in the Moon chose me for something I ended up being invisible for three years," Nico snapped sourly. 

"Holding grudges is a dangerous thing for a child of Hades. It's our fatal flaw."

 "We've all had to go through that before," The large bunny rolled his eyes, "Jack was invisible for three hundred, so stop your complainin'."

 The unusually dormant headache began to form again. With the combined heat of the fire and his heavy jacket he was becoming a human sauna. He stuck his sword in the ground again before taking off his jacket and resting it over the hilt of the sword. 

"Just ignore Bunny," the women blocked his view of the oversized rodent, "he chose you specifically for a reason. We think it might be because you can help us understand why Pitch stole your memories."

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