★Chapter 2 ★

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"I.. I'm pre.... I'm pregnant"

In that one moment Russia didn't know what to say or do. He didn't know how he should he react right now he didn't even know how he feels in that moment. It has been a few minutes and Russia was just in shock and disbelief Ame was starting to get even more nervous so he said something.

"Come on say something......."
"Come on please say something.... Anything please"

Ame was getting more upset he wanted to know what was going through Russia head right now. Russia saw the upset look on Ame face and his dry up tear on his face and realized he still hadn't said anything yet. So all he said was what.

"Wait what did you just say right now"

"I'm pregnant"

".......do y..you....want to.....k...keep it?"

"I.....I don't know"

"I mean we always say we never wanted to be parent but I don't know"

"I know....i know.......but I think I want to keep it"

"Oh uh ok um I'll be right back I need to go"

"What? where are you going?"

"I'll be back"

As Russia said that he got his keys and walked out the door. He didn't even know what he was doing right now all he knew was that he needed to go somewhere to clear his mind so he went to his dad's house. Russia and his dad USSR weren't that close but these past few months he and his family had started to be like a family if that makes sense. When Russia and his siblings were growing up they didn't really get along with each other and they certainly didn't get along with his dad because well his dad was a drinker that would be one of the traits that he got from his father. Which he wasn't really proud of but he hasn't drinker that much ever since he got with Ame because Ame helped him know when enough was enough. So he was surprised when he ended up at his dad house in his living room on the couch with vodka in one of his hand. When Russia got to his dad house the first thing ussr thought was that Russia looked like he was shocked out his mind and scared so ussr let him in and gave him a drink because he looked like he needed one.

"So why are you here?"

Russia didn't really have an answer to his dad question because well he didn't really know he just needed sometime to think about Ame and the baby. So he told him dad.

"Ame is pregnant"


"I don't know what to do"

"What do you mean you don't know what to do"

"I mean what I said I don't know what to do"

"You do the right thing and be there for your family"

"But...me and Ame always talk about how we would never have kids and how we never wanted to be parents"

"And why is that?"

Russia gave his dad a look like he didn't really just asked. But his dad looked like he was ready asking.

"Because we both didn't.... And this is in no way in trying to hurt your feelings but.......we didn't really grow up in good house holes so we didn't really think we could be good parents I guess"

Ussr had a sad look when he realized why so he tried to give him some advice.

"I think you would be a better parent than I ever was"

"Dad..........im sor-"

"No no it's ok I know I was never that good of a parent I understand "

"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings"

"It's fine........... but I really do think you and Ame would be better parents than I was I mean I turned all of my kids against each other and made them hate me so it's fine"


"I think you should go home and talk to your husband about this and not your dad that should not be with you drinking right now"

"Your right"

And with that he put down his drink on the coffee table and got his keys but his dad stopped him.

"Oh also I want to know about all the drama with uk when you guys tell him"

Ussr said with a smirk . Ussr and uk have always hated each other well because uk always hated Russia and his family because of all the things they have done to Ame. And ussr just hates him there wasn't any reason why he just never got along well with uk but Ame and ussr did for a while but then the Cold War happened and they didn't really became friends like they used to be after it. So after Ame and rus wedding happened ussr and uk decided that they would be civil with each other because they both cared about their kids happiness.

"Dad.....I know how much you hate uk but come on you really need to stop hating each other"

"Don't tell me what to do I'm your father. And come on I just know uk is going to flip out and I so want to be there when it happens but I'll just have to wait until you tell me and if you don't I'll just ask Ame"

"Whatever dad. I'll see you later bye love you"

"Bye son love you"

And with that Russia was out of his dad's house and in his car driving home to Ame to talk about it.
I tried to make this chapter longer so I hope you like it

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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