9. Dreams do come true

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Previously: The night was filled with wonder and delight, excitement and pleasure. They explored each-other's bodies and minds and then they made love again and again. Much later, after they had exhausted each-other, when they knew one another as they knew themselves, both of them lay wrapped in each-other's arms and slept the uncaring sleep of the happy and contented.


In the morning, Yoongi saw Jimin sat at the desk in his now new home. Jimin started to write a very difficult letter. He sat there, not really knowing how to begin telling the man waiting for him that he had found somebody new; somebody who would always love him, somebody who would never hurt him, somebody that he knew he could and would love unconditionally, no matter what.

Yoongi came up behind him, bent down, put his arms around the writer and rested his chin on the younger's shoulder. Jimin reveled in his closeness, his familiarity and their new found intimacy. He turned his face into Yoongi and nuzzled his cheek tenderly.

"I love the smell of you." Jimin whispered. Yoongi's flesh smelled warm and fresh, laced with his spicy aftershave and his natural male scent.

"Who are you writing to?" Yoongi asked, then changed track. "Sorry, I don't mean to pry. It's really none of my business."

"You're not prying and I hope that anything I do from now on will concern you a great deal." Jimin assured, "As for this letter? It's for San, the first big change in my life that I have to make. I'm cutting off that loose end, something I should have done some time ago."

"Okay." The older whispered. "I understand."
He released Jimin and turned to leave.

"Min Yoongi" Jimin called and Yoongi stopped and turned to face him. Jimin grinned mischievously. "I have a question for you that's been bugging me a little. How would you have explained a perfectly working toilet if I hadn't collapsed against the wall?"

Yoongi's brow furrowed in thought for a moment and then he smiled brilliantly. His breadcheeks flashed adorably and the younger fell a little more in love with him.

"You know something, I really don't know. I was following a dream and I was winging it. I hadn't thought that far ahead. Besides, I had a very strong feeling that it wouldn't come to that. I guess we'll never know now, will we." Yoongi laughed. "Thank God you did fall apart."

"Yeah, just as I thought." The younger said with a grin. "And I have a strong feeling that you were plotting to get me into your bed from the moment I got out of my car. Why else would you invite me to stay in an empty motel?"

"Why else, indeed?" The older replied with a wicked grin. "But that is something you'll never know"

"Write your letter Park Jimin, I'll be waiting for you."

He came to Jimin, bent down and kissed him on the cheek and left him alone. He had waited two years for the younger so another hour or so would certainly not kill him. Besides, he was happy to know that Jimin was nearby, just a step away and he could be with him at any time he wanted. Unlike his dreams, he would always be there whenever he woke up.

He flopped into one of the armchairs in the reception lobby and laughed out loud. A painter who was passing through, paint bucket in hand, stopped and stared at Yoongi oddly. He laughed again, a little crazily and the poor man backed away from him to a safer distance.

"Don't mind me." Yoongi giggled. "I'm just happy, that's all."

"Sure." The painter said uncertainly. "Sure boss, that's.. um.. great."

"Yeah it is." Yoongi said gleefully. "And do you want to know something even greater? A great secret, the greatest ever?"

"Sure, boss." The other said, his eyes darting around looking for a quick escape.

Yoongi thought that the other might've thought that I had really lost it and was about to pounce on him and rip his throat out or something. He leaned forward in the chair and grinned at him madly. The painter took another step back.

"The greatest secret ever," Yoongi began, "is that no matter what anyone says, no matter what they tell you, dreams really do come true!"


Jimin decided to get this onerous task over as quickly as possible. Min Yoongi had waited long enough for him and he didn't want to make him wait any longer.

He smiled when he heard Yoongi's gurgling laughter drift in from the reception lobby. The older was happy and that made Jimin happy. He was eager to begin his new life with Yoongi which he guessed, was not only going to be interesting, but incredibly exciting. Jimin turned his concentration back to the page on the desk. He lowered the pen to the top line of the writing paper.

"Dearest darling," He wrote.

He then lifted the pen and stared at the page in front of him.

Now why had I written that? Habit, I guess.

Sod it, he thought, San had hurt him and now it was his turn, so why try to soften the blow. Tell it to him like it is. He lowered the pen and scored out the "Dearest darling," deliberately. He left it there for him to see.

Underneath it, he wrote:


Jimin continued with: "I had to write to say that I won't be home anymore..!"




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